The Courtship of Mles Standish by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Right.. I know not topping your reading queue these days?? Altho,I must admit that it has made a resurgence back into my literary repertoire!
Have you ever considered that drama, romance, and playfulness existed in early Purtian America? Truly, it wasn't always "Black and White" (hahaha) and mostly (in the beginning anyway), we think of the Pilgrims experiencing hardship, survival, and starvation and illness! And they did. That landing in Plimoth, (Yes.. that is not an error), was one filled with anxiety, fear, and a looming sensation that they indeed may not survive the 1st winter. And they weren't wrong; that 1st winter in New England goes down in history as the 6th coldest, most bitter, we Yankees have ever had!
AS I teach this unit to my preK each and every year, o cover the "basics". However, this particular year, I was forced back into my of earlier years having trained to teach high school history, by spotting some titillating books written by Mr.Longfellow, and of course Governor William Bradford himself!(Of Plimoth Plantation- perhaps not on your best seller/must read list.. but once in a while definitely mine!)
About this time each year, I go for my copy of "Of Plimoth Plantation" by Gov. William Bradford. A classic for sure! I so enjoy the quirkiness of the Pilgrim Separatists. (Honestly this was one of my areas of concentration in college!)
These 2 works, (Bradford's and Longfellow's), just re-enforce for me, that life was still LIFE among our puritanical Christians! They are a dry and straight bunch to be sure, but also not devoid of the standards of real daily living and drama!
One story that is fascinating, is the semi-mythical love triangle that we believe has some shred of truth that existed between Capt. Miles Standish, John Alden and Priscilla Mullens. Longfellow, a descendant of John Alden and Priscilla (Mullens)-Alden, (okay, so now you see at least how it all shook out), wrote a fascinating poem during Victorian England that did rip thru the best seller list in London, about the "love affair" between these main Mayflower travel/soul mates.
There weren't many passengers about the Mayflower...around 101-102... depending on if you count the 1 death, (possibly 2), and birth on board the Mayflower during its harrowing journey across the Atlantic. 30 of these were children! Not leaving much in the way of "adult" choices among the singletons!(No for them.. altho I would LOVE to see some of their profiles had there been! What a spoof!) Some Pilgrims knew each other and some did not. Some were tradesman and others leaving strictly for religious purpose. All looking for a better way of life than that in England!(England being no-so-merry at the time).
Priscilla about 17, traveled with her parents and brother. Mr. Alden was hired as the ship's cooper, and Capt Standish, as the military liaison, as well as exploratory leader. The three did knew not of one another prior to their voyage.
History tells us that after Miles explored the Cape Cod area he and others found a clearing at the mouth of Plymouth Harbor. It was November, and the winds of change were in the air. It was all they could do to stay alive that first miserable winter. The illness' were running rampant and food a scarcity. Capt. Standish lost his wife the day after he set out to explore the coast of Cape Cod.She may have committed suicide due to the fact that the Standish's left their son behind in England to weak to make the crossing.(That's drama in itself for these ultra -religiously fanatical bunch!) That winter however, Priscilla became orphaned, losing her entire family to the hardships of life in New Plimoth. Matter of fact, half of the Pilgrims perished over the winter, (altho not the children ironically), which then really left "Slim-pickings" in choosing a mate for our band of newcomers!
In the Springtime the drama picked itself up.(If that is even possbile!) The snow melted and warmer days were approaching "all around" the settlement! One could say a new "fever" set in among the colonists, "Spring Fever". In March the Pilgrims were visited by the sachem chief, Massasoit. He could speak the King's English... but knew of one better... Squanto.
Squanto had his own drama, having been kidnapped about 10 years prior to the Mayflower arrival, was taken by English and Spanish explorers and brought back to Europe for an indefinite period of time. He learned English, but more importantly to be monotheistic. He managed to get back to America only to find his wife and children, friends and parents dead having suffered the Indian flu.(A white man's disease not immune to the Native American population). A tradgy and drama in of itself. Not long before the Pilgrims had arrived and settled into "the clearing" once inhabited by Squanto's people did Squanto make his reappearance in America. Squanto taught the Pilgrims more than they could ever have bargained for. One of which was how to grow the indispensable crop of Maize/corn. He was truly a God-send to the Pilgrims!And I have come to believe sent as a gift from God to them.
I have a little girl in my classroom this year that is "in love" with Squanto! (HAH- 1st time in 20 years of teaching have I ever seen this! She believes him to be "so handsome"... or "HOT!" And in my wit and humour I snap back with, "Well, Maggie, Ive always been a Miles Standish kinda-girl myself! And apparently so was Priscilla!(at first). (But I doubt, ever Squanto! That would've changed history for sure!!!)
Priscilla Mullens, a now 19 yr orphaned young woman, alone in the new world is portrayed as someone strong, put together, modern-day gal! She was vying for a Plimoth man, a townie we'll say, to come and romance her...any pilgrim gal would! She learned with the best of them how to make corn meal, bake bread, mend and make clothing, you get it.
I only imagine myself, my longing to live in a 350 year old home, (to this day my dream), sitting by the fireside at night, doing my evening chores and sipping my beer or spirited water! (Which apparently Priscilla enjoyed very much!- A girl after my own heart!) In my head, she was the Carrie Bradshaw of Plimoth.(Minus the Jimmy Choo's!) She was great alone... but also waiting for her "Big"! And although she was great, at 19, she was also perfect marrying age in Pilgrim times. And she was looking. There were a few other girls left behind from sick parents as well... but as said the pickings were not that of the rich Harvest they experienced in the Autumn of 1621! There was not a Cornucopia of men and women to choose to spend your life with in New England at that time! (I still challenge that!!!)
She truly was not the Carrie in NYC, but the one of New Plimoth.
Suitors were not in plenitude, and yet the young and attractive Ms. Mullens was I am positive more than pursued!!! Capt Miles Standish who had lost his wife Winter before had taken a strong interest in Priscilla. He was clearly in good shape on paper, (in all ways!) Strong, well-to-do, debonair, heroic, brave. You get it?? Hired as the military liaison to the Pilgrim separatists he was asked to make the voyage and begin new life in the new world. The Pilgrims were a God-fearing folk, they did not know of such things as military protection and strategy... and they certainly did not know what to do if there would've been an Indian uprising!
Capt. Standish to your rescue!(He aways reminds me of the men I tend to get involved with- arrogant James Bond-types, full of themselves and their clout! Surely had vehicles been invented, Capt Standish, would've been in an Astin Martin, or Maybe Range Rover, due to his position!
Mr. John Alden, the young ship's Cooper, happened to be Miles' roommate during those early days. And why not? There was not a lot in the way of new housing... and hey.. 2 single guys bunking in together would solve a few problems! Capt, Standish would go on and on about Priscilla to the young Alden. A fair haired, big eyed, lad who not only made a good beer barrel, but apparently was renowned for his, shall we say, tempered behavior, that most coopers were not known for!(Bet he made a damned good beer too!)
Mr. Alden also had a "thing" for ol' Priscilla! But like most quiet,polite, gentleman types of men, thought how will I ever out due Capt. Miles Standish??
The reality, is that John, had the one thing that Miles did not. And that was the art of how to communicate with Priscilla! It is joked that Miles couldn't really "speak"! He had trouble voicing his concerns, or affection or anything else... and other accounts claim that Priscilla never could understand him due to the dialect. (As he was like from our version of The Bronx or Jersey, and she from Manhattan!)( I'd prefer to think he was just too damn smug, arrogant and narcissistic for Priscilla!) She and John however, happened to be raised very close to one another and so DID understand one another, and could very much exchange the Language of Love!
One day Miles had made his mind up that he would ask Priscilla for her hand. A moment every Pilgrim girl I'm sure "Dreamed" of! But alas, no Cinderella /Barbie Dream Wedding to rival the Kardsashians... No-Remember these people didn't even celebrate Christmas! (Well in a fun way... anyway!)You think weddings were big?? God No-
If celebration was not a formality in the Bible.. then it wasn't in Puritan times either!!!
Miles however , for whatever reason, was not about to ask her himself. (AW.. too bad email hadn't been invented yet...she could have least witnessed his wordsmithing intelligence.) He copped out- as many men do, and he sent John Alden over to Priscilla's to do the deed! (And here's where it gets good!)
Upon hearing the question uttered by Mr. Alden, the independent-minded woman utters one of the most famous retorts ever: "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?" At this moment the Love triangle takes hold.. and Priscilla and John engage in a secret relationship while Standish is off fighting Indians. It is reported that he is dead... and John and Priscilla may now wed!
( I Love that part.. it always reminds me of when I decided that Paul McCartney was not really the Beatle I actually dug!)
And then... Miles returns... dunt, dunt, dunt, dunt!!!!!
John and Priscilla Alden go on to produce 10 living children...obviously SOME fun DID happen in ol' Plimoth Between the roped beds, and stiff, (at um), black and white attire! (Or at least the Beer was mighty good!) And Miles? He got remarried to "Barbara", his deceased wife's sister, that same year and they went on to have 7 children. The Aldens and The Standish's mended their fences and went on to found the town of Duxbury, Ma.
And they all lived Happily ever after... Or at least until the Salem Witch Trials!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Dawn M. Grinnell,
Direct Descendant of John and Priscilla Alden
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Sincere or Spew?
"Each year, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch that he thinks is the most sincere. He's gotta pick this one. He's got to. I don't see how a pumpkin patch can be more sincere than this one. You can look around and there's not a sign of hypocrisy. Nothing but sincerity as far as the eye can see." - Linus Van Pelt
Have you ever known sincerity? By definition:
sin·cer·i·ty [sin-ser-i-tee]
noun, plural -ties.
freedom from deceit, hypocrisy, or duplicity; probity in intention or in communicating; earnestness. (aka.. "the real deal!")
I have been struggling lately with those that claim "sincerity", vs. those that just..
verb (used without object)
to discharge the contents of the stomach through the mouth; vomit.
verb (used with object)
to eject from the stomach through the mouth; vomit.
to cast forth, gush, or eject, as in disgust or anger: The angry sergeant spewed his charges at us.
Sometimes it is difficult to see between the two defined terms! I know, I know... you can make the case that one should easily be ready to detect true sincerity, vs. ... well... BS... but alas, usually a wound or hurtful experience will be the only way you can truly know!
Today We watched , "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown", as a treat for a long and tedious day of church, assembly, church, and more church... I felt I need to offer a reward for task-on time today. Ya know,I have watched this movie so many times in my lifetime i can recite most of the dialogue, pick up most of the innuendo, and learn more historically each time I view. (I will say this.. I NEVER laugh less it must be good!)
I have actually blogged about this particular movie in previous years... and continue to find myself back there examining issues of sincerity and loyalty spew and BS
... and at what and whose expense!??
In times past, I have commented over the build-up... Lucy's ability to "fool" Charlie Brown ONE more time with the shameless football track, or maybe that Charlie Brown is really considered "bullied" in today modern view of school society and feel badly for him... And perhaps one is co-dependent with the other... But it still strikes me OVER and OVER again as to Sally's Niavity and steadfast loyalty to Linus sitting in that pumpkin patch... Missing her "Tricks or Treats"... and waiting... waiting... and waiting for that "stupid" Great Pumpkin to show!!!! (It actually infuriates me!)
This school year, (as is the case with most 5s), the romantic "Love bug" is present in my classroom! (Im beginning to think it a spider rather than a ladybug!) We have various pairings, (all age appropriate mind you.. whose marrying whom, who's going to make it together for the school year.. a lifetime!!!)
I wish I could impart my real feelilngs - truly- on this... but ah.. innocence!
There is one significant "pairing" tho this year in our class. (And yes... one of the members is VERY close to me...:( (And a very "Sally-like" counterpart!!!!) He would be willing to wait all night in the patch for the "Great Pumpkin"... and she would wait to show her "Loyalty".
I had them watch this film today- I wanted to shout out... "See... THIS is what happens to little girls who spend their lives waiting in someone else's pumpkin patch all night!!!!"
But alas- I could not...What would that do?? Shatter their illusion of allegiance? Embarrass the parties? Destroy the times in their future where sticking by someone might be a spiritual experience?
I said instead.. "How do you think Sally is feeling now that she has watched all her friends come in and out of the pumpkin patch and she hasn't one piece of sweetened delight to show for her night???
Remember she awaited there... truly, it beyond her own wants. She began to feel for Linus' plight... but still observing that going out on her own, doing her own fun thing with others, and living for today was HER desire! And then there was "Linus". He guilted her... he made her feel that somehow if she believed in him that she would also be visited by "The great Pumpkin!" a Windfall for sure! And basically .. in the end.. she love him.... SO.. what is one to do?????
She reluctantly shrugged her ghostly disguise... and went for the full throttle of the patch! Like a bride headed to Vegas!
She was, at first, firm and just,... so Tammy Wynette,(Hilary Clinton)...
"Stand by your Man" ... until the Media and others started questioning...
"Hey did you see all the candy-loot we got tonight.. and you're stiing here in this stupid patch with him???" Okay??? Ladies.. think of shoes and homes???
(Believe me Sally.. Ive spent MANY Halloweens sitting right along side of you!)
She sat... and sat... she shivered... she got resentful... and finally threw her hands up. .and said.. "Forget it.. I cant believe you got me to do this!"
A woman scorned for sure! But smart and saved!
She cast blame, she named the thief .. she lost a Halloween!! Honestly... That is enough for any woman to question what the hell she is doing?!
Was their true sincerity in that patch??? Not really. True Patch sincerity would have amounted in making her Halloween spectacular! Giving it definition.
Was it Sincerity or Spew?
But did Linus know? Did he question it? Linus really believed this "Great Pumpkin Thing would come..." or did he???? If you watch, He believes almost, honestly because No one else does. He sets himself apart from all the others by believing in this myth because he believes the Great Pumpkin will bring him "riches" that no one else will receive. Its a bit narcissistic don't you think????
And then he engages Sally, in her longing for Linus and her niativity to believe people really want something more from a relationship!
Im torn... Part of me sees Sally's ability to believe in what she cant see... and the other encouarning her to run like hell!!!!
Ironically, the rest of the Peanuts gang is doing what they should be doing.. living in the present.. attending parties, dressing up, picking on the poor neglected kid, and dipping and hiding thru the french WW2 countryside as Snoopy dives into his imagination.
My parting words to Sally today.. et hum.. (Maggie)
"Don't spend your night in a pumpkin Patch with some Boy... you'll miss out on the treats!" (That applies to both sexes).
BTW.. Sally ditches Linus for the good life, only for him to be stubborn. His is retrieved by his very co-dependent sister Lucy at 4am on All Saints Day...
Him, shivering, cold and wet.. and most importantly... Lucy is disgusted ... but loyal.
And most importantly.. truly... I want to know who got all the Resse's Cups the next day?? Was there a winner???? Who got more Tricks or Treats??? Tricks I am afraid.
A learning curve you can't take back... but learn from it very well. NO More Patches with strange boys!!!!
XO, Lucy Van Pelt
Have you ever known sincerity? By definition:
sin·cer·i·ty [sin-ser-i-tee]
noun, plural -ties.
freedom from deceit, hypocrisy, or duplicity; probity in intention or in communicating; earnestness. (aka.. "the real deal!")
I have been struggling lately with those that claim "sincerity", vs. those that just..
verb (used without object)
to discharge the contents of the stomach through the mouth; vomit.
verb (used with object)
to eject from the stomach through the mouth; vomit.
to cast forth, gush, or eject, as in disgust or anger: The angry sergeant spewed his charges at us.
Sometimes it is difficult to see between the two defined terms! I know, I know... you can make the case that one should easily be ready to detect true sincerity, vs. ... well... BS... but alas, usually a wound or hurtful experience will be the only way you can truly know!
Today We watched , "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown", as a treat for a long and tedious day of church, assembly, church, and more church... I felt I need to offer a reward for task-on time today. Ya know,I have watched this movie so many times in my lifetime i can recite most of the dialogue, pick up most of the innuendo, and learn more historically each time I view. (I will say this.. I NEVER laugh less it must be good!)
I have actually blogged about this particular movie in previous years... and continue to find myself back there examining issues of sincerity and loyalty spew and BS
... and at what and whose expense!??
In times past, I have commented over the build-up... Lucy's ability to "fool" Charlie Brown ONE more time with the shameless football track, or maybe that Charlie Brown is really considered "bullied" in today modern view of school society and feel badly for him... And perhaps one is co-dependent with the other... But it still strikes me OVER and OVER again as to Sally's Niavity and steadfast loyalty to Linus sitting in that pumpkin patch... Missing her "Tricks or Treats"... and waiting... waiting... and waiting for that "stupid" Great Pumpkin to show!!!! (It actually infuriates me!)
This school year, (as is the case with most 5s), the romantic "Love bug" is present in my classroom! (Im beginning to think it a spider rather than a ladybug!) We have various pairings, (all age appropriate mind you.. whose marrying whom, who's going to make it together for the school year.. a lifetime!!!)
I wish I could impart my real feelilngs - truly- on this... but ah.. innocence!
There is one significant "pairing" tho this year in our class. (And yes... one of the members is VERY close to me...:( (And a very "Sally-like" counterpart!!!!) He would be willing to wait all night in the patch for the "Great Pumpkin"... and she would wait to show her "Loyalty".
I had them watch this film today- I wanted to shout out... "See... THIS is what happens to little girls who spend their lives waiting in someone else's pumpkin patch all night!!!!"
But alas- I could not...What would that do?? Shatter their illusion of allegiance? Embarrass the parties? Destroy the times in their future where sticking by someone might be a spiritual experience?
I said instead.. "How do you think Sally is feeling now that she has watched all her friends come in and out of the pumpkin patch and she hasn't one piece of sweetened delight to show for her night???
Remember she awaited there... truly, it beyond her own wants. She began to feel for Linus' plight... but still observing that going out on her own, doing her own fun thing with others, and living for today was HER desire! And then there was "Linus". He guilted her... he made her feel that somehow if she believed in him that she would also be visited by "The great Pumpkin!" a Windfall for sure! And basically .. in the end.. she love him.... SO.. what is one to do?????
She reluctantly shrugged her ghostly disguise... and went for the full throttle of the patch! Like a bride headed to Vegas!
She was, at first, firm and just,... so Tammy Wynette,(Hilary Clinton)...
"Stand by your Man" ... until the Media and others started questioning...
"Hey did you see all the candy-loot we got tonight.. and you're stiing here in this stupid patch with him???" Okay??? Ladies.. think of shoes and homes???
(Believe me Sally.. Ive spent MANY Halloweens sitting right along side of you!)
She sat... and sat... she shivered... she got resentful... and finally threw her hands up. .and said.. "Forget it.. I cant believe you got me to do this!"
A woman scorned for sure! But smart and saved!
She cast blame, she named the thief .. she lost a Halloween!! Honestly... That is enough for any woman to question what the hell she is doing?!
Was their true sincerity in that patch??? Not really. True Patch sincerity would have amounted in making her Halloween spectacular! Giving it definition.
Was it Sincerity or Spew?
But did Linus know? Did he question it? Linus really believed this "Great Pumpkin Thing would come..." or did he???? If you watch, He believes almost, honestly because No one else does. He sets himself apart from all the others by believing in this myth because he believes the Great Pumpkin will bring him "riches" that no one else will receive. Its a bit narcissistic don't you think????
And then he engages Sally, in her longing for Linus and her niativity to believe people really want something more from a relationship!
Im torn... Part of me sees Sally's ability to believe in what she cant see... and the other encouarning her to run like hell!!!!
Ironically, the rest of the Peanuts gang is doing what they should be doing.. living in the present.. attending parties, dressing up, picking on the poor neglected kid, and dipping and hiding thru the french WW2 countryside as Snoopy dives into his imagination.
My parting words to Sally today.. et hum.. (Maggie)
"Don't spend your night in a pumpkin Patch with some Boy... you'll miss out on the treats!" (That applies to both sexes).
BTW.. Sally ditches Linus for the good life, only for him to be stubborn. His is retrieved by his very co-dependent sister Lucy at 4am on All Saints Day...
Him, shivering, cold and wet.. and most importantly... Lucy is disgusted ... but loyal.
And most importantly.. truly... I want to know who got all the Resse's Cups the next day?? Was there a winner???? Who got more Tricks or Treats??? Tricks I am afraid.
A learning curve you can't take back... but learn from it very well. NO More Patches with strange boys!!!!
XO, Lucy Van Pelt
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
The Very Best Pumpkin
The Very Best Pumpkin
By, Mark Kimball Moulton
A story recently shared these early October days is, “The Very Best Pumpkin”. At first I found it to be a great story about how pumpkins start, grow, and become harvested… until I read it a few times and of course found God in its’ pages!
The story begins with a boy named Peter.
(Of course Peters and Pumpkins go hand in hand!)
Peter works and lives with his grandparents who own a Pumpkin Farm. The farm does produce other “crops” (A vocabulary word for this month), throughout the Spring and Summer as well, but obviously pumpkins are its thing!
The little farm does very well for itself… and Peter discovers during the early summer months that a vine from the main patch has grown out past the boundaries of the pumpkin field into a meadow. As any good steward or shepherd he follows that one stray vine … stepping over pumpkins “cautiously”. (Another vocab word). He finds himself looking down at this little vine and its sweet curlicues. They have nestled into a solemn place on a hill in the meadow. Tucked away from the rest with best intentions of survival.
He leans down and notices that there is growth there! A few stray curlicues, and some weeds pushed aside give away to a small underdeveloped pumpkin. Small but surviving. It has been choked off from growth by the surrounding weeds and accumulating leaves around the small orange sphere.
Peter is thrilled when he spots this little neglected pumpkin trying so hard on its own to survive. He feels it a farmer’s stewardship to help it, and raise it to the level of love and acceptance it will need to become worthy of a family in the Fall!
In many ways Peter represents God in our story. He recognizes that “one got away”. Much like the sheep leaving the pen parable. Surely God would never allow one sheep out of 100 to be let go for the sake of the other 99! And so Peter feels the same way!
I love pumpkin stories because they tell us so much about God’s love for us. They teach about all of us growing from one vine, yet we are all different. They teach us how we are Christians because of this process, and then the process’ to come.
Peter recognizes that this very special pumpkin adrift from the rest is till part of the great fold that he helped to grow and nurture. Some how, some way… it made its way out of the patch and into a meadow. Sometimes, human beings just don’t grow the way the regular, normal ones do. They oft take different paths and need to find their own ways to survive. What I love about this very best pumpkin is that it is still attached to the ONE VINE.
Peter secretly spends the summer cleaning the pumpkin’s new spot. Cautiously tending to its needs. He weeds away the bad ... giving it room for growth and sunlight and water. He even builds a special sign to warn others… “Hey… Caution… This ONE needs more than the rest!” Clearly Peter sees this as a “special and unique” pumpkin. He gives it his TLC, and… Voila... Guess what happens??? The pumpkin thrives!
Peter, however is not alone. A new neighbor has moved in next to the farm…Meg.
Meg is a lonely girl. She is new, hasn’t any friends.. and I feel is somewhat introverted. She resorts to her books under trees to pass the time. It is ALWAYS difficult being the new kid on the block! One day… she spies Peter going to the meadow, and with curiosity she cautiously follows him. Thus beginning weeks of weeks of studying from afar his nurturing ways and sensitivity to this one remote pumpkin. (Kinda of like her!)
As Summer turned to Autumn and people were choosing their pumpkins at the farm, Peter was selling the perfect pumpkins to their rightful owners…. except for the Very Best Pumpkin. Until, Meg came a pumpkin picking. This whole month… no one had shown the dedication to the pumpkin in the meadow like someone as wonderful as Meg. Peter secretly had been watching her day by day. HE knew her timid, and yet he knew she cared. He knew her to be the right one!
Meg glazed and gawked over each and every pumpkin available for sale, but alas… none were meeting her expectation. She had seen them all… fat, skinny, tall, wide… very orange, and not so much… she knew none of the pumpkins measured up to her expectations of the very best pumpkin. She gave up and began to walk away.
It was then Peter…”I have another pumpkin, you may really want…” and with that that tripped and crashed over many ... and cautiously approached the meadow. Peter offered the very best pumpkin to Meg, because she was there each and every day with him. The fact Meg was so invested in watching his care daily, actually caused him to treat the pumpkin so special! And because someone found that quality in him, in turn, he found that quality in someone else!
She found the pumpkin perfect, and the two shared seasons afterwards learning and growing as big as the very best pumpkin they each designed for one another out in the meadow.
I nearly cry each time I read this story… I wonder about how often we’ve allowed something to die under our care when in fact; it was an opportunity to grow us more into relationship with God. Peter saw that this one was different, it actually deserved MORE!
Please remember that some of us need more than others, and the reality is we all need more at various times in our lives. Peter and Meg’s friendship is one in which the ASAP tries very hard to foster each and every day with all of its students. Please look more closely this Fall as to the lessons that the Pumpkin can offer each of us.
Bringing us into a better meadow, or growing spot with one another, and with God.
Happy Autumn,
Miss Dawn
By, Mark Kimball Moulton
A story recently shared these early October days is, “The Very Best Pumpkin”. At first I found it to be a great story about how pumpkins start, grow, and become harvested… until I read it a few times and of course found God in its’ pages!
The story begins with a boy named Peter.
(Of course Peters and Pumpkins go hand in hand!)
Peter works and lives with his grandparents who own a Pumpkin Farm. The farm does produce other “crops” (A vocabulary word for this month), throughout the Spring and Summer as well, but obviously pumpkins are its thing!
The little farm does very well for itself… and Peter discovers during the early summer months that a vine from the main patch has grown out past the boundaries of the pumpkin field into a meadow. As any good steward or shepherd he follows that one stray vine … stepping over pumpkins “cautiously”. (Another vocab word). He finds himself looking down at this little vine and its sweet curlicues. They have nestled into a solemn place on a hill in the meadow. Tucked away from the rest with best intentions of survival.
He leans down and notices that there is growth there! A few stray curlicues, and some weeds pushed aside give away to a small underdeveloped pumpkin. Small but surviving. It has been choked off from growth by the surrounding weeds and accumulating leaves around the small orange sphere.
Peter is thrilled when he spots this little neglected pumpkin trying so hard on its own to survive. He feels it a farmer’s stewardship to help it, and raise it to the level of love and acceptance it will need to become worthy of a family in the Fall!
In many ways Peter represents God in our story. He recognizes that “one got away”. Much like the sheep leaving the pen parable. Surely God would never allow one sheep out of 100 to be let go for the sake of the other 99! And so Peter feels the same way!
I love pumpkin stories because they tell us so much about God’s love for us. They teach about all of us growing from one vine, yet we are all different. They teach us how we are Christians because of this process, and then the process’ to come.
Peter recognizes that this very special pumpkin adrift from the rest is till part of the great fold that he helped to grow and nurture. Some how, some way… it made its way out of the patch and into a meadow. Sometimes, human beings just don’t grow the way the regular, normal ones do. They oft take different paths and need to find their own ways to survive. What I love about this very best pumpkin is that it is still attached to the ONE VINE.
Peter secretly spends the summer cleaning the pumpkin’s new spot. Cautiously tending to its needs. He weeds away the bad ... giving it room for growth and sunlight and water. He even builds a special sign to warn others… “Hey… Caution… This ONE needs more than the rest!” Clearly Peter sees this as a “special and unique” pumpkin. He gives it his TLC, and… Voila... Guess what happens??? The pumpkin thrives!
Peter, however is not alone. A new neighbor has moved in next to the farm…Meg.
Meg is a lonely girl. She is new, hasn’t any friends.. and I feel is somewhat introverted. She resorts to her books under trees to pass the time. It is ALWAYS difficult being the new kid on the block! One day… she spies Peter going to the meadow, and with curiosity she cautiously follows him. Thus beginning weeks of weeks of studying from afar his nurturing ways and sensitivity to this one remote pumpkin. (Kinda of like her!)
As Summer turned to Autumn and people were choosing their pumpkins at the farm, Peter was selling the perfect pumpkins to their rightful owners…. except for the Very Best Pumpkin. Until, Meg came a pumpkin picking. This whole month… no one had shown the dedication to the pumpkin in the meadow like someone as wonderful as Meg. Peter secretly had been watching her day by day. HE knew her timid, and yet he knew she cared. He knew her to be the right one!
Meg glazed and gawked over each and every pumpkin available for sale, but alas… none were meeting her expectation. She had seen them all… fat, skinny, tall, wide… very orange, and not so much… she knew none of the pumpkins measured up to her expectations of the very best pumpkin. She gave up and began to walk away.
It was then Peter…”I have another pumpkin, you may really want…” and with that that tripped and crashed over many ... and cautiously approached the meadow. Peter offered the very best pumpkin to Meg, because she was there each and every day with him. The fact Meg was so invested in watching his care daily, actually caused him to treat the pumpkin so special! And because someone found that quality in him, in turn, he found that quality in someone else!
She found the pumpkin perfect, and the two shared seasons afterwards learning and growing as big as the very best pumpkin they each designed for one another out in the meadow.
I nearly cry each time I read this story… I wonder about how often we’ve allowed something to die under our care when in fact; it was an opportunity to grow us more into relationship with God. Peter saw that this one was different, it actually deserved MORE!
Please remember that some of us need more than others, and the reality is we all need more at various times in our lives. Peter and Meg’s friendship is one in which the ASAP tries very hard to foster each and every day with all of its students. Please look more closely this Fall as to the lessons that the Pumpkin can offer each of us.
Bringing us into a better meadow, or growing spot with one another, and with God.
Happy Autumn,
Miss Dawn
Monday, September 5, 2011
The Big Rocks
The Big Rocks
One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers, he said, “Okay, time for a quiz.” he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouth mason jar and set it on the table in front of him. Then he produced about a dozen ish-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would it inside, he asked, “Is this jar full?” Everyone in the class said, “Yes.” “Really?” he said. He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the big rocks. He asked the group once more, “Is the jar full?” By this time, the class was on to him. “Probably not,” one of them answered. “Good,” he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand into the jar and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, “Is the jar full?” “No,” the class shouted. Once again he said, “Good.” he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, “What is the point of this illustration?” One eager beaver raised his hand and said, “The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things into it!” “No,” the speaker replied, “that is not the point. The truth this illustration teaches us is that if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all.”
I have illustrated this sermon several times in my career as a Christian Educator to both big and small people. I actually think the children understand the engineering aspect of it more than the grown-ups do. However, when we go back a 2nd time in the experiment, and I label what the “The Big Rocks and the Little Rocks” are…. a very sheepish look crosses the faces of my audience.
This is a lesson about prioritizing what is really important in life. It is not be confused with how many tasks we can multi-manage at once. (As that can also be a waste of time and needless busywork).
Let’s be clear….if we do not fill the void initially with what is really of value, and then place all the little, sort-of meaningless pieces in first, how on earth will we ever fit the real ones when we need to do that? Obviously the “Big Rocks” are of different value to us all. Some will place hopefully God, Family, Friends, Marriage, and perhaps Education initially. (Then the second layers could look more like vacations, trips, money, sports, shopping, etc). However for others, it may look initially more like Wealth, Power, Fame and Status, (then maybe God, Friends, family, trips, etc). And in the end, we must decide how we feel when our life is filled with the rocks we need or want.
What if you select Option B …The Money/Power/Status life? Surely, when you move on to the next set of medium rocks they will have to do with supporting the life of your Big Rocks. Which then would need to do that, perhaps, Expensive Cars, Fine Clothing, Country Clubs and the like? If you can imagine your life as the contents of this particular jar, then the time after it becomes slim pickings for where the other lesser sized items shall fit…Friends, Family, and HOPEFULLY God. Think of God, in this scenario as the sand... or the water… the last choice and final addition, as it doesn’t require much space to you… the cars, homes and wealth are occupying those larger areas. How on earth could God work in our life if God needs to meander his way into the nooks and crannies of our life???
We are told that God knows all things. The Bible is clear that God has a plan for each of us. But, God also loves us so much that he gives us the free will to choose our big rocks. It is up to us if we choose to fill our lives with our plan, or God’s. September is like our 2nd New Year; I sometimes say that to the children. And as a new year begins for the lives of our children, and their families, you may want to fill up a jar at home some night with your family after dinner and see where your Big Rocks will lie for this school year ahead of us! Remember when you make the first of the Big Rocks, God, then anything else you place in the jar is merely a blessing of God’s and that is already waiting for your enjoyment. When God is first, there is enough room for all that matters!!!
Happy New Year,
Miss Dawn
One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and to drive home a point, used an illustration those students will never forget. As he stood in front of the group of high-powered overachievers, he said, “Okay, time for a quiz.” he pulled out a one-gallon, wide-mouth mason jar and set it on the table in front of him. Then he produced about a dozen ish-sized rocks and carefully placed them, one at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would it inside, he asked, “Is this jar full?” Everyone in the class said, “Yes.” “Really?” he said. He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the big rocks. He asked the group once more, “Is the jar full?” By this time, the class was on to him. “Probably not,” one of them answered. “Good,” he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand into the jar and it went into all the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, “Is the jar full?” “No,” the class shouted. Once again he said, “Good.” he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, “What is the point of this illustration?” One eager beaver raised his hand and said, “The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things into it!” “No,” the speaker replied, “that is not the point. The truth this illustration teaches us is that if you don’t put the big rocks in first, you’ll never get them in at all.”
I have illustrated this sermon several times in my career as a Christian Educator to both big and small people. I actually think the children understand the engineering aspect of it more than the grown-ups do. However, when we go back a 2nd time in the experiment, and I label what the “The Big Rocks and the Little Rocks” are…. a very sheepish look crosses the faces of my audience.
This is a lesson about prioritizing what is really important in life. It is not be confused with how many tasks we can multi-manage at once. (As that can also be a waste of time and needless busywork).
Let’s be clear….if we do not fill the void initially with what is really of value, and then place all the little, sort-of meaningless pieces in first, how on earth will we ever fit the real ones when we need to do that? Obviously the “Big Rocks” are of different value to us all. Some will place hopefully God, Family, Friends, Marriage, and perhaps Education initially. (Then the second layers could look more like vacations, trips, money, sports, shopping, etc). However for others, it may look initially more like Wealth, Power, Fame and Status, (then maybe God, Friends, family, trips, etc). And in the end, we must decide how we feel when our life is filled with the rocks we need or want.
What if you select Option B …The Money/Power/Status life? Surely, when you move on to the next set of medium rocks they will have to do with supporting the life of your Big Rocks. Which then would need to do that, perhaps, Expensive Cars, Fine Clothing, Country Clubs and the like? If you can imagine your life as the contents of this particular jar, then the time after it becomes slim pickings for where the other lesser sized items shall fit…Friends, Family, and HOPEFULLY God. Think of God, in this scenario as the sand... or the water… the last choice and final addition, as it doesn’t require much space to you… the cars, homes and wealth are occupying those larger areas. How on earth could God work in our life if God needs to meander his way into the nooks and crannies of our life???
We are told that God knows all things. The Bible is clear that God has a plan for each of us. But, God also loves us so much that he gives us the free will to choose our big rocks. It is up to us if we choose to fill our lives with our plan, or God’s. September is like our 2nd New Year; I sometimes say that to the children. And as a new year begins for the lives of our children, and their families, you may want to fill up a jar at home some night with your family after dinner and see where your Big Rocks will lie for this school year ahead of us! Remember when you make the first of the Big Rocks, God, then anything else you place in the jar is merely a blessing of God’s and that is already waiting for your enjoyment. When God is first, there is enough room for all that matters!!!
Happy New Year,
Miss Dawn
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The Face of Resurrection
I'm Starting With The Man InThe Mirror, I'm Asking Him To Change His Ways And No Message Could Have Been Any Clearer...If You Wanna Make The World a Better Place...
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change. -Michael Jackson
Do you you know what a resurrected man looks like? Interestingly enough, I have been talking this past week to my young friends about what in fact happens AFTER Jesus is raised. It is interesting in the way that we spend so much time on the pre-Easter story... the build up of Jesus' ministry, His Passion, and cruxifiction and finally, the empty Tomb. We rejoice in all its' mystery, wonder and meaning. Some take this story as "Gospel" if you will. In fact the very cornserstone of our faith, others a parable, or moreover a metaphor, for a changed existence.
(For the good!)
The Gospel of John this week in Acts speaks of a doubting man that knew Jesus prior to his violent death. We are not sure why Thomas is missing from the 1st appearance of Jesus in the room upstairs. We do know though that Thomas is unbelieving in the remaining 10's story of a risen Lord. He has not been faced with looking at a Resurrected man.
Hell, are any of us???
I am often regarded as a teacher who preaches aboves the heads of my charges about such events. I have fortuneatly been blessed, "charged", with a gift of bringing such abstract and heady principles to the hearts and minds of the young. Although, the resurecction has its moments of sincerity and true meaning... regardless, it is still hard to relate to small children... "Yeah, Jesus died and then he came back to life again 3 days later!" (Which is ususally followed up by a question like... "Well I waited 3 days Miss Dawn for my Mimi to come back and she hasn't!" (Ugh.)
I am grateful that I am not alone in this charge of relating such material to the young! Our school chaplain this past week asked immediately in his intro to his Homily... "So boys and girls what does it mean to be resurrected?" I was pleased and proud to watch my 5 year olds jump all over this line of questioning, but even more so that the priest told of his concerns for not knowing "exactly" what that meant either!!
I chose that Michael Jackson piece as my intro into this blog... it struck me that those words are very much related to what a resurrected person looks like given a mirror!
Its rather curious and obvious simulataneously that NO ONE can actually SEE the resurrected Jesus!! (At first). We first recognize this concept at that tomb. A weeping Mary Magdalene on that 1st Easter does not "see" her Master. She thinks she sees a gardner hired to take care of the grounds. She asks, "Where have you taken my Lord?" And then she hears.. "Mary... Mary..." She drops to her knees upon "hearing" her name spoken by the risen Christ. How many times have you not seen but been called?? Equally, the Disciples do not believe M2 when she appraoches them with this news. They think she is imagining something she wants to be real. Then Christ appears to them and speaks, "Peace be with you." They are elated and stunned that Jesus is in fact the same, but new. On the Road to Emmaus, two of Jesus' followers are walking to the next village directly following that tumultous weekend and they are discussing the horrid events. They are joined on the walk by Jesus... whom, as I tell children, "Is in His Resurrection Costume," and is unable to be recognized. (By those not willing to believe yet). It is not until Jesus is invited to stay the night and share a meal with this "stranger" that the 2 are called to recognize Jeus in his actions fo reaching out to help a stranger. Jesus then Breaks the Bread and passes it to them... they realize or recognize the face of a resurrected Christ!
Our friend Thomas today when doubting the remaining 10 says.. "Unless I can touch His side and place my fingers in his nail markings will I believe." And surely, Jesus gives Thomas the fulfillment of his desire by appearing and inviting Thomas to believe through touch. Thomas immediately knows and drops only to say "My Lord and God." Jesus, states..." Thomas, You have touched and therefore you believe, Blessed are those that need not and still do!" I tell the children that is all of us!
(Although ironically, The exception is the child in my Passion Play this year who played Jesus, I come to find out is really my Thomas!")
What does a resurrected face look like? I always tell the children when Christ is risen and returns that he is glowing in a light we can't seem to see. It is a light of purity and goodness, selflessness and grace. I do believe we catch glimpses of it when the time is right for us to see, touch, taste or hear God's Good News.
Some see resurrection when they look at a new born baby, (perhaps at our Christmas baby), or a couple marrying, (much like I did this past Firday when Princess Diana's son married that beautiful girl). Others see it when a truly miraculous hope was fulfilled... a cure from cancer, an extension of time on a dream, something that was lost is found such as a Prodigal Son returning to his Father. I often see it when I have driven home an educational homerun.. a concept now received and understood! Regardless, it is a transformation that couldn't be witnessed prior because of our human obstruction to it. It is amazing when we can see all wonder finally! When we remove the fears, and the doubts... the anger and pain to see what has already been made new for us. And a newness that will transform us to never be the same again.
Michael Jackson sings of a man, himself, recognizing that this world in all it's hurts and despair can be changed. Many of us cannot see that... much like the way we could not see the risen Christ. But MJ was a visionary. He truly believed and grieved over the hopelessness that others feel. We know many men such as this, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandala, I could go on.
One day you may wake and go to your mirror when you are ready to face the resurrected Jesus, take a look at yourself and make that change... make this world a better place.
But as the lyrics say... It must start with you!
Jesus did not ask the others to go with him that Good Friday,
(Or as my friends say.. "Sad Friday").
He went before us. He didn't ask the others to go and make the sacrifices before him... he began with himself. He did as the Father asked Him to do. And in the words of Catherine of Sienna, "He set the world a fire".
What face will you see the next time you stand before your mirror? Or on the Road to Emmaus? Your classroom? The streets of Newport? Take a good look at and be prepared to be graced with a Resurrected Jesus!
Happy Easter,
Miss Dawn
Take A Look At Yourself, And Then Make A Change. -Michael Jackson
Do you you know what a resurrected man looks like? Interestingly enough, I have been talking this past week to my young friends about what in fact happens AFTER Jesus is raised. It is interesting in the way that we spend so much time on the pre-Easter story... the build up of Jesus' ministry, His Passion, and cruxifiction and finally, the empty Tomb. We rejoice in all its' mystery, wonder and meaning. Some take this story as "Gospel" if you will. In fact the very cornserstone of our faith, others a parable, or moreover a metaphor, for a changed existence.
(For the good!)
The Gospel of John this week in Acts speaks of a doubting man that knew Jesus prior to his violent death. We are not sure why Thomas is missing from the 1st appearance of Jesus in the room upstairs. We do know though that Thomas is unbelieving in the remaining 10's story of a risen Lord. He has not been faced with looking at a Resurrected man.
Hell, are any of us???
I am often regarded as a teacher who preaches aboves the heads of my charges about such events. I have fortuneatly been blessed, "charged", with a gift of bringing such abstract and heady principles to the hearts and minds of the young. Although, the resurecction has its moments of sincerity and true meaning... regardless, it is still hard to relate to small children... "Yeah, Jesus died and then he came back to life again 3 days later!" (Which is ususally followed up by a question like... "Well I waited 3 days Miss Dawn for my Mimi to come back and she hasn't!" (Ugh.)
I am grateful that I am not alone in this charge of relating such material to the young! Our school chaplain this past week asked immediately in his intro to his Homily... "So boys and girls what does it mean to be resurrected?" I was pleased and proud to watch my 5 year olds jump all over this line of questioning, but even more so that the priest told of his concerns for not knowing "exactly" what that meant either!!
I chose that Michael Jackson piece as my intro into this blog... it struck me that those words are very much related to what a resurrected person looks like given a mirror!
Its rather curious and obvious simulataneously that NO ONE can actually SEE the resurrected Jesus!! (At first). We first recognize this concept at that tomb. A weeping Mary Magdalene on that 1st Easter does not "see" her Master. She thinks she sees a gardner hired to take care of the grounds. She asks, "Where have you taken my Lord?" And then she hears.. "Mary... Mary..." She drops to her knees upon "hearing" her name spoken by the risen Christ. How many times have you not seen but been called?? Equally, the Disciples do not believe M2 when she appraoches them with this news. They think she is imagining something she wants to be real. Then Christ appears to them and speaks, "Peace be with you." They are elated and stunned that Jesus is in fact the same, but new. On the Road to Emmaus, two of Jesus' followers are walking to the next village directly following that tumultous weekend and they are discussing the horrid events. They are joined on the walk by Jesus... whom, as I tell children, "Is in His Resurrection Costume," and is unable to be recognized. (By those not willing to believe yet). It is not until Jesus is invited to stay the night and share a meal with this "stranger" that the 2 are called to recognize Jeus in his actions fo reaching out to help a stranger. Jesus then Breaks the Bread and passes it to them... they realize or recognize the face of a resurrected Christ!
Our friend Thomas today when doubting the remaining 10 says.. "Unless I can touch His side and place my fingers in his nail markings will I believe." And surely, Jesus gives Thomas the fulfillment of his desire by appearing and inviting Thomas to believe through touch. Thomas immediately knows and drops only to say "My Lord and God." Jesus, states..." Thomas, You have touched and therefore you believe, Blessed are those that need not and still do!" I tell the children that is all of us!
(Although ironically, The exception is the child in my Passion Play this year who played Jesus, I come to find out is really my Thomas!")
What does a resurrected face look like? I always tell the children when Christ is risen and returns that he is glowing in a light we can't seem to see. It is a light of purity and goodness, selflessness and grace. I do believe we catch glimpses of it when the time is right for us to see, touch, taste or hear God's Good News.
Some see resurrection when they look at a new born baby, (perhaps at our Christmas baby), or a couple marrying, (much like I did this past Firday when Princess Diana's son married that beautiful girl). Others see it when a truly miraculous hope was fulfilled... a cure from cancer, an extension of time on a dream, something that was lost is found such as a Prodigal Son returning to his Father. I often see it when I have driven home an educational homerun.. a concept now received and understood! Regardless, it is a transformation that couldn't be witnessed prior because of our human obstruction to it. It is amazing when we can see all wonder finally! When we remove the fears, and the doubts... the anger and pain to see what has already been made new for us. And a newness that will transform us to never be the same again.
Michael Jackson sings of a man, himself, recognizing that this world in all it's hurts and despair can be changed. Many of us cannot see that... much like the way we could not see the risen Christ. But MJ was a visionary. He truly believed and grieved over the hopelessness that others feel. We know many men such as this, Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandala, I could go on.
One day you may wake and go to your mirror when you are ready to face the resurrected Jesus, take a look at yourself and make that change... make this world a better place.
But as the lyrics say... It must start with you!
Jesus did not ask the others to go with him that Good Friday,
(Or as my friends say.. "Sad Friday").
He went before us. He didn't ask the others to go and make the sacrifices before him... he began with himself. He did as the Father asked Him to do. And in the words of Catherine of Sienna, "He set the world a fire".
What face will you see the next time you stand before your mirror? Or on the Road to Emmaus? Your classroom? The streets of Newport? Take a good look at and be prepared to be graced with a Resurrected Jesus!
Happy Easter,
Miss Dawn
Monday, January 10, 2011
'tis the season
"Just hear those sleigh bells jingling.. ring-ting-tingaling too..."
Oh come on.... That's at least Wintery??!!
I know, Christmas is over. This happens to be my least favorite time of the year. Probably for most of us I can imagine. But honestly I question why. I enter this phase each and every year Post-Christmas/Holidays Blues. The Crash!!! I should know that it is coming... and yet if I did prepare myself for it each year, I highly doubt I could face the work, challenges and sheer joyful madness that I tend to display around the birth of Christ that is necessary to put on Pageants, Christmas Parties, and the like... and see the utter bliss associated with out of control festive holiday happiness!
But does it all need to come to a screaching halt like that? At least therapists take you down from your meds a bit at time... not cold turkey! The reality is we just spent months eating really yummy warm turkey! Now- its off to the couch!
Mania of most types is a pyshcological frame of mind that I can relate too and yet highly disagree with. I am not the largest fan of manic behaviors and how they "explain" or "influence" actions away in life. I am not convinced that a small pill taken a few times a day cures our mental disorders, and I certainly know it doesnt erase them. But there is a clear mania associated with the holiday season, that is a "quick fix". It is the little red and green stiped pill that masks reality and helps us to cope until we are really ready to face life again... That being, New Year's Day.
I start planning my Halloween costumes sometime in July. (Well to be fair to me, I usually have 3 to plan for so I do like to beign early:) Who will I be this year? For school? For play? And for anything in-between?? That already sets us up for the next 2 months of "Let's Pretend"!
Then the Christmas music begins... When did this tradition begin? I am told it a way for radio stations to cut back on end of the year expenses by playing scripted Holiday Music all day and night forgoing DJ support to help fix end of the year budgets. I am told it helps "Stimulate" our poor economic status by forcing shoppers to be in the mood a month early. I am told it just helps the general population "feel better" that they know a happy time is here.. even tho it is only All Saints Day! Whatever happened to the proper doom and gloom of the darkest month of the year... November? The month where we actually remember the dead? Celebrate War Veterans, vote for politicians, (Oh yeah, the dead again...) and watch the leaves turn and fall to their demise??? I guess we, as a culture, are all set with death too.
Then there is a thought of Thanksgiving.... We think of table decor, party games, Football, Pie baking, and US Trivia questions. It's kind of like the Play Off games beginning for "The Big Game". The reality test of, "Will I be strong enough to endure this dinner another 3x before the year closes with a variety of people I either long to see or dread!" It's the test of how good my game will be when the "big game" arrives! It is also the 1st Holy Thursday, or the Feast the Last Supper! Ya know... before "Black Friday".
(Funny how we never elude to Jesus' last Friday that way? We consider His "Good!" )
Black Friday... The kick off to the Busiest Shopping weekend of the Year! The media coverage is amazing- as we watch the retailers ready to pull themselves out of the reality of red sales all these months and jettison into mania we have come to know as the Christmas Shopping Season. The King of Kings! The Savior of All!
Retail on this day is for everyone! It's like Christ coming to ALL a month early!
What happened to Advent? You know... That funny little time where we "WAIT". We prepare "The Way", as the Baptist taught us. That odd little 4 week period of Purple and Rose candles ensconsced in a evergreen wreath. A quiet reflective anticipatory time where we think about how we want Christ to come back to us and in us. A time where we aren't immursed in parties, music and maritinis. A time where we prepare ourselves for the joy during the true Christmas Season... December 25th-January 6th! Why is that even our Advent Calendars need to have chocolate behind each window? Surely, we cannot wait unless there is a reward each day?? Why on an Advent calendar is Santa the last door we open on December 25th? Santa's not a bad guy.. honestly, as I tell my kids.. He's just 2nd! I feel badly for brides who are unchurched with grand dreams of a "Christmas" wedding on December 10th! Somehow the Ruby Red bridesmaid dresses and the Periwinkle Blue candles and Altar cloth do not seem to jive!!!
We forgot to wait. And that's because in our culture we are taught not too anymore.
Then there is the Superbowl of Holidays, Christmas! My favorite! People think I'm NUTS by hosting Christmas Pageants so "close" to Christmas! I hosted a rather large one this year. It was wonderful and breath-taking. It made me wait and work hard through Advent. It made me wonder WHY I do this!! (LOL) But, that is truly Advent! I received mostly allocades all around .. even from the onset of the prepartion.. although, there were one or two letters of inquiry by Catholic parents wondering if I were nuts trying to add one more thing like a "Pageant" to the insanity of what already HAS to be done during the Holiday Season???!!! I also was asked.. Do you realize this is so SO close to Christmas time? Yes, There is something rewarding about presenting a Pageant after Advent 4 and near the Solstice that makes it somewhat authentic! Thanks, I am aware.. It helps me to gain my perpestive on WHY we do this every year!
Its exciting for sure! All the hustle and bustle of preparing .The energizing music.. even if it has been playing since Election Day. The lights that twinkle, (or not), with the wonder. The staying up 'til 1am every night buying and wrapping.. and buying a wrapping, etc.. Until our immune systems are so worn down we catch the stomach virus 3x before the kids are on break! Baking cookies that we only need to be lectured about to lose weight from 2 weeks later. The foods rich in fat and calories that we shouldn't be eating until January 1st. And how about that poor tree??? Man, I tell you. We are now in need of evergreen translpant sap to keep it living for 9 weeks in the heat!
This year, we got our tree on Christmas Eve morning. It was beautiful, fresh, $12.50, and headed for the Chrsitmas Heaven anyway if we didnt' scoop it up and give it the home it was destined for! It still went to Christmas Tree Heaven anyway! (A kid's book to follow on that one)!
When my mom was little Santa brought the tree to her home... and the gifts! When I was little the tree would come right around Advent 3 or 4. And nowadays.. the tree goes up before the 1st purple candle does!
Then we end it all with, well, the uneventful and boring "Bowl" games that land on New Years Day. That regret filled, newly-realized resolutionary day filled with empty hopes and failed promises already. A day that follows, probably the worst amateur night, (next to St. Patty's Day Parade Day in Newport.) A day that is supposed to be about New Beginnings and celebrated hopes of the future. A new year, A new chance, A new way to be!!! And what do we do??? We rip down the decorations, stop having fun, lament about all the bad decisons we made for the last 6 weeks, and grieve the mania that is now replaced with reality that our Christmas-Meds are not being refilled! Instead of Rejoice we are faced with Regret. Instead of Hope... Hopelessness!
I feel like, (although Mania-induced maybe), we do all this work to, Go Tell It on the Mountain... only to fall off the cliff on New Year's Day.
The stores are barron, the music stops at midnight Decmber 25th. The dishes are in the sink. We aren't happy because we didn't get the big ticket item we could've sworn our spouse would've put us into debt over for a moment of happiness one morning. We are now stuck with the purchase, or bill of service of whatever just broke down 2 days before Christmas, (cause that's how life rolls). The kids are still fighting .. (now over more than they had to fight over pre-Santa). The decorations are broken and scattered. The tree all of a sudden looks like a wilted mess. I ate and drank too much and pissed off my mother-in-law... and hopefully she did too! It's like one of the kids fairy tale books that are now in print, "The other side of the story." You know where the villain gets to air his side of the tale and how he was wronged!
And Old St. Nick.. man he's the only one with the right idea... he leaves the goods and get's the hell out of here leaving everyone to wonder where does he go to relax?? Cause.. it's January, and the cries of vacation season are starting to beckon! I am positive Santa does not begin a diet, and I know the North pole only shuts down for a vacation!
Then it's done and over. Nothing. It isn't a slow death either. It's quick and dirty! We are left to watch ads no longer of of sappy coffee companys bringing home college students unexepectedly from an interternship in Africa to reunite Christmas morning with his longing family... But to Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem commercials! All of a sudden I am wondering why I didn't invest enough money this year in my retirement account (or at all). I am left figuring out why I need to go to a Bridal Expo or hunt down my favorite cruise and travel company immediately??!!
And if doesn't just make matters worse, I happen to revolve another year around the sun on January 3rd and ponder why at the age of 45 this happens to me year after year?
Do I have the answers to these questions and statements?? No, I do not. I wish I did. I have opened every bottle of Holiday Lexipro I see hanging around my house and work, and for the life of me I cannot pull out the cheer I am supposed to feel. Instead, it feels more like the rug, was just pulled out from under me. I view myself as one of the luck ones tho- at least I don't begin singing Nov 1st and wonder why it all come to screeching halt. I am a realist. I believe in the "reason" for the season". Corny, as it may sound. I'd rather give a nice birthday gift to you, and remember whose real birthday we've come to celebrate this sacred day. I choose, to indulge for a week, and then go back to my old eating habits January 2nd. My martinis don't ever change color regardless of the color of the season! I still shop when Christmas is over, eat turkey during the year, and agonize over my marital status, (good and bad), even in July! And neither does Santa...if it's good enough for him.. then it should be good enough for us all!
And remember, Jesus, Mary and Joseph never went to Gethsemane to cut down a live tree every year to drag in!
Christmas doesn't solve all of our earthly problems in the world... And I hope it never will... except to say that "Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day, To save us all from Satan's power when we have gone astray... Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy, Comfort and Joy, Oh Tidings of comfort and Joy!"
Here's to auld lang syne,
Oh come on.... That's at least Wintery??!!
I know, Christmas is over. This happens to be my least favorite time of the year. Probably for most of us I can imagine. But honestly I question why. I enter this phase each and every year Post-Christmas/Holidays Blues. The Crash!!! I should know that it is coming... and yet if I did prepare myself for it each year, I highly doubt I could face the work, challenges and sheer joyful madness that I tend to display around the birth of Christ that is necessary to put on Pageants, Christmas Parties, and the like... and see the utter bliss associated with out of control festive holiday happiness!
But does it all need to come to a screaching halt like that? At least therapists take you down from your meds a bit at time... not cold turkey! The reality is we just spent months eating really yummy warm turkey! Now- its off to the couch!
Mania of most types is a pyshcological frame of mind that I can relate too and yet highly disagree with. I am not the largest fan of manic behaviors and how they "explain" or "influence" actions away in life. I am not convinced that a small pill taken a few times a day cures our mental disorders, and I certainly know it doesnt erase them. But there is a clear mania associated with the holiday season, that is a "quick fix". It is the little red and green stiped pill that masks reality and helps us to cope until we are really ready to face life again... That being, New Year's Day.
I start planning my Halloween costumes sometime in July. (Well to be fair to me, I usually have 3 to plan for so I do like to beign early:) Who will I be this year? For school? For play? And for anything in-between?? That already sets us up for the next 2 months of "Let's Pretend"!
Then the Christmas music begins... When did this tradition begin? I am told it a way for radio stations to cut back on end of the year expenses by playing scripted Holiday Music all day and night forgoing DJ support to help fix end of the year budgets. I am told it helps "Stimulate" our poor economic status by forcing shoppers to be in the mood a month early. I am told it just helps the general population "feel better" that they know a happy time is here.. even tho it is only All Saints Day! Whatever happened to the proper doom and gloom of the darkest month of the year... November? The month where we actually remember the dead? Celebrate War Veterans, vote for politicians, (Oh yeah, the dead again...) and watch the leaves turn and fall to their demise??? I guess we, as a culture, are all set with death too.
Then there is a thought of Thanksgiving.... We think of table decor, party games, Football, Pie baking, and US Trivia questions. It's kind of like the Play Off games beginning for "The Big Game". The reality test of, "Will I be strong enough to endure this dinner another 3x before the year closes with a variety of people I either long to see or dread!" It's the test of how good my game will be when the "big game" arrives! It is also the 1st Holy Thursday, or the Feast the Last Supper! Ya know... before "Black Friday".
(Funny how we never elude to Jesus' last Friday that way? We consider His "Good!" )
Black Friday... The kick off to the Busiest Shopping weekend of the Year! The media coverage is amazing- as we watch the retailers ready to pull themselves out of the reality of red sales all these months and jettison into mania we have come to know as the Christmas Shopping Season. The King of Kings! The Savior of All!
Retail on this day is for everyone! It's like Christ coming to ALL a month early!
What happened to Advent? You know... That funny little time where we "WAIT". We prepare "The Way", as the Baptist taught us. That odd little 4 week period of Purple and Rose candles ensconsced in a evergreen wreath. A quiet reflective anticipatory time where we think about how we want Christ to come back to us and in us. A time where we aren't immursed in parties, music and maritinis. A time where we prepare ourselves for the joy during the true Christmas Season... December 25th-January 6th! Why is that even our Advent Calendars need to have chocolate behind each window? Surely, we cannot wait unless there is a reward each day?? Why on an Advent calendar is Santa the last door we open on December 25th? Santa's not a bad guy.. honestly, as I tell my kids.. He's just 2nd! I feel badly for brides who are unchurched with grand dreams of a "Christmas" wedding on December 10th! Somehow the Ruby Red bridesmaid dresses and the Periwinkle Blue candles and Altar cloth do not seem to jive!!!
We forgot to wait. And that's because in our culture we are taught not too anymore.
Then there is the Superbowl of Holidays, Christmas! My favorite! People think I'm NUTS by hosting Christmas Pageants so "close" to Christmas! I hosted a rather large one this year. It was wonderful and breath-taking. It made me wait and work hard through Advent. It made me wonder WHY I do this!! (LOL) But, that is truly Advent! I received mostly allocades all around .. even from the onset of the prepartion.. although, there were one or two letters of inquiry by Catholic parents wondering if I were nuts trying to add one more thing like a "Pageant" to the insanity of what already HAS to be done during the Holiday Season???!!! I also was asked.. Do you realize this is so SO close to Christmas time? Yes, There is something rewarding about presenting a Pageant after Advent 4 and near the Solstice that makes it somewhat authentic! Thanks, I am aware.. It helps me to gain my perpestive on WHY we do this every year!
Its exciting for sure! All the hustle and bustle of preparing .The energizing music.. even if it has been playing since Election Day. The lights that twinkle, (or not), with the wonder. The staying up 'til 1am every night buying and wrapping.. and buying a wrapping, etc.. Until our immune systems are so worn down we catch the stomach virus 3x before the kids are on break! Baking cookies that we only need to be lectured about to lose weight from 2 weeks later. The foods rich in fat and calories that we shouldn't be eating until January 1st. And how about that poor tree??? Man, I tell you. We are now in need of evergreen translpant sap to keep it living for 9 weeks in the heat!
This year, we got our tree on Christmas Eve morning. It was beautiful, fresh, $12.50, and headed for the Chrsitmas Heaven anyway if we didnt' scoop it up and give it the home it was destined for! It still went to Christmas Tree Heaven anyway! (A kid's book to follow on that one)!
When my mom was little Santa brought the tree to her home... and the gifts! When I was little the tree would come right around Advent 3 or 4. And nowadays.. the tree goes up before the 1st purple candle does!
Then we end it all with, well, the uneventful and boring "Bowl" games that land on New Years Day. That regret filled, newly-realized resolutionary day filled with empty hopes and failed promises already. A day that follows, probably the worst amateur night, (next to St. Patty's Day Parade Day in Newport.) A day that is supposed to be about New Beginnings and celebrated hopes of the future. A new year, A new chance, A new way to be!!! And what do we do??? We rip down the decorations, stop having fun, lament about all the bad decisons we made for the last 6 weeks, and grieve the mania that is now replaced with reality that our Christmas-Meds are not being refilled! Instead of Rejoice we are faced with Regret. Instead of Hope... Hopelessness!
I feel like, (although Mania-induced maybe), we do all this work to, Go Tell It on the Mountain... only to fall off the cliff on New Year's Day.
The stores are barron, the music stops at midnight Decmber 25th. The dishes are in the sink. We aren't happy because we didn't get the big ticket item we could've sworn our spouse would've put us into debt over for a moment of happiness one morning. We are now stuck with the purchase, or bill of service of whatever just broke down 2 days before Christmas, (cause that's how life rolls). The kids are still fighting .. (now over more than they had to fight over pre-Santa). The decorations are broken and scattered. The tree all of a sudden looks like a wilted mess. I ate and drank too much and pissed off my mother-in-law... and hopefully she did too! It's like one of the kids fairy tale books that are now in print, "The other side of the story." You know where the villain gets to air his side of the tale and how he was wronged!
And Old St. Nick.. man he's the only one with the right idea... he leaves the goods and get's the hell out of here leaving everyone to wonder where does he go to relax?? Cause.. it's January, and the cries of vacation season are starting to beckon! I am positive Santa does not begin a diet, and I know the North pole only shuts down for a vacation!
Then it's done and over. Nothing. It isn't a slow death either. It's quick and dirty! We are left to watch ads no longer of of sappy coffee companys bringing home college students unexepectedly from an interternship in Africa to reunite Christmas morning with his longing family... But to Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem commercials! All of a sudden I am wondering why I didn't invest enough money this year in my retirement account (or at all). I am left figuring out why I need to go to a Bridal Expo or hunt down my favorite cruise and travel company immediately??!!
And if doesn't just make matters worse, I happen to revolve another year around the sun on January 3rd and ponder why at the age of 45 this happens to me year after year?
Do I have the answers to these questions and statements?? No, I do not. I wish I did. I have opened every bottle of Holiday Lexipro I see hanging around my house and work, and for the life of me I cannot pull out the cheer I am supposed to feel. Instead, it feels more like the rug, was just pulled out from under me. I view myself as one of the luck ones tho- at least I don't begin singing Nov 1st and wonder why it all come to screeching halt. I am a realist. I believe in the "reason" for the season". Corny, as it may sound. I'd rather give a nice birthday gift to you, and remember whose real birthday we've come to celebrate this sacred day. I choose, to indulge for a week, and then go back to my old eating habits January 2nd. My martinis don't ever change color regardless of the color of the season! I still shop when Christmas is over, eat turkey during the year, and agonize over my marital status, (good and bad), even in July! And neither does Santa...if it's good enough for him.. then it should be good enough for us all!
And remember, Jesus, Mary and Joseph never went to Gethsemane to cut down a live tree every year to drag in!
Christmas doesn't solve all of our earthly problems in the world... And I hope it never will... except to say that "Remember Christ our Savior was born on Christmas Day, To save us all from Satan's power when we have gone astray... Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy, Comfort and Joy, Oh Tidings of comfort and Joy!"
Here's to auld lang syne,
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