"It's coming on Christmas. They're cutting down trees. They're putting up reindeer and singing songs of joy and peace.. Oh I wish I had a river... I could skate away on." It's a still song isn't is it? It's a song about about heartache and heartbreak. It's a song about escaping silently down a placid-ice river.. away from the sheer "contentment" of the season we know as Christmastime. However.. we need not forget that hue-du-jour in the Christian world is Blue right now.. Advent is the season of contemplation. It is a season of of self discovery. A recent preaching I attended taught that the outdated Christian model of Advent color, (Purple), was perhaps still a color to visit as it is a color of forgiveness and seeking oneness with God. A color in Lent we equate to reconcilation. But maybe it has a place still here with us today. Our, River, speaks of running into the purple.. as Joni speaks of making her baby cry.. making her baby say goodbye-
Yes.. Joni Mitchell and James Taylor have brought this ballad alive for me again this year. This year more so than ever I have had the urge to skate away. Most of you know how much affection I own for this season of merry making and mayhem. Many of you know that December 21st is a magical day for me. The Winter Solstice and the official gunfire to the season where I perform my hardest .. usually. normally- until this year struck. It oft reminds me of my mentor movie... "You've Got Mail". Do you recall Meg Ryan, alias, Miss Kathleen Kelly, hanging twinkle lights in her quaint children's book store, The Shop Around the Corner? She hung them so sadly recounting this tune poetically.. gazing out onto the busy streets of the Upper East Side in Manhattan knowing that her dream was dying. She recounts that "The River" really has nothing to do with Christmastime. And I agree. She was "Blue" that the possibility of losing her mother's beloved bookstore and family heirloom was about to face closing due to the "Big Bad" Fox Books SuperBook Store chain that had opened that Fall around the corner from her.
She watched the busy shoppers that used to frequent her black and white tiled floor scurrily purchase books from Miss Kathleen.. the expert in children's literature... heading over to the "designer bookstore that sold lattes and lies" to its' customers! She watched old friends and supporters lie and squeamishly opt for the other store. It made her sad to think that her shop around the corner was no longer their shop around the corner! And although she saw folks walking by her with cut trees and shopping bags marked with other logos.. she prayed and prayed to her deceased mother for that motherly advise, so rarified, regarding a rather difficult decision in her life. She repeated those lyrics mindlessly.. staring into the world as if she were one of the shepherds looking upward to the sky that first night of Jesus' entry into the world. Her answer did not come to her. Her personal Advent was nearing...
We know Advent as waiting. To wait. To wait. To wait. and to Wait, (phew)! We are waiting for this great miracle to enter our lives. We are awaiting the arrival of the bringer of Life! We are awaiting the forgiver of all sins and the One marked to bring us eternal happiness through Him. We are invited throught Advent to be still and wait for the moment. We are not invited to deck halls, rip up strings of lights, party on, shop like crazy, or lavishly eat, drink and be merry. We are invited to wait. To be in the moment. Listen in darkness and just be. We are invited to anticipate what could happen for us!We are invited to self-forgiveness and forgiveness with the hue of purple... or blue. But we are not invited to look at reds and greens yet. Colors of change, spirit and everlasting life. We must do the work first!
Our friend Kathleen Kelly has no idea that her life as "Miss Kathleen Kelly," the Storybook Lady, is about to close it's final chapter on that part of her existence. She hasn't one idea that her redemption will come through the very thing she loathed and despised, blamed, as the taker-away of her life as she knew it.....Fox Books was about to claim her. She hadn't a clue that she was secretly in love with Joe Fox. And she didn't know it becuase it was different than what she thought was her life plan. He really was an angel, and not the fox,(everyone including himself,) thought him to be. He had been lovingly transformed through Kathleen's anonymous emails, easy going nature, and affection for things in life simpler than Gucchi bags, (or as he says.. "Yes.. I love Patricia.. why wouldn't I? She makes coffee nervous?? Speaking of his live-in fiancee at the time!)Theirs, he and Kathleen's, best-friendship, was an Advent that they both awaited in this lifetime.. He was "waiting" for the right girl to shake him up, and she, for the man in her life to help her believe in herself again... or ever.
Kathleen , after making the difficult decision to close the store, spends some 4-5 months in seclusion. She's depressed. She is thinking about what someone likes Kathleen Kelly does after being the Storybook Lady??
Kathleen states in one tear-filled, email in her Advent, "People are always saying that change is a good thing. But all they're really saying is that something you didn't want to happen at all... has happened. My store is closing this week. I own a store, did I ever tell you that? It's a lovely store, and in a week it'll be something really depressing, like a Baby Gap. Soon, it'll be just a memory. In fact, someone, some foolish person, will probably think it's a tribute to this city, the way it keeps changing on you, the way you can never count on it, or something. I know because that's the sort of thing I'm always saying. But the truth is... I'm heartbroken. I feel as if a part of me has died, and my mother has died all over again, and no one can ever make it right."
I have a school.. did I ever tell you I have a school?
But the good news is as Spring approaches and she has been told by her mother's friend Birdie that only the brave are daring to imagine what else it is they could be.. Joe Fox shows with a bounty of fresh daisies.. a peace offering. The way into the next step of her future. She responds to Joe sheepishly and most untrustingly.. "I love Daisies.. they are the friendliest flowers..." He nods and asks if they could become friends? The rest is history as they say. Or red and green .. her Christmastime is really in fact her Easter. Her Advent is over and her new chapter beginning!
Joe Fox: "Don't cry Shopgirl, (her email handle), Don't cry. "
Kathleen Kelly: " I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be you so badly!"
The credits roll and Over the Rainbow begins to play....
Happy Advent,
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Office
Have you ever watched a preacher on television by the name of Joyce Meyers? She has a number of books and tapes out on how to re-direct your attitude and look at things in a new way.. or perhaps God's way. I have never subscribed or purchased any of her books however since my cousin Kim turned me on to her misnistry some 10 years ago I'd try to catch a Joyce episodde or two when I was on vacation.. these days God has afforded me the time to make Joyce a morning ritual with my coffee! What a luxury.
Another summer delight in addition to watching Joyce each morning is the ability to leisurely discern my future on a daily basis in a peaceful oasis.. and I do this with careful thought and consideration mind you. I have been fortunate to spend my afternoon time once again this summer, at what has come to be called, (jokingly for years), "My Office". The Office, is my.. well... "Office"... in the summer! (Not a classroom.. or is it???) I love the fact that since I began "renting space" at the Office each summer, numbers of life-altering events have gone on in my existence.. and yet the office continues to remain its beautiful, picturesque, oasis of learning overlooking the channel of the Atlantic. It is a place quite frankly, where life does stand still and changes simultaneoulsy.
The Office is open for business most days from 1:30 to 4:30... well, for me that it is. God gives you the luxury of choosing your own hours! The rent is cheap and the accodomations perfect! (There is rent control.. it hasn't been raised in 15 years and it is still very reasonable- nothing!) My maintenance fees are fixed... it is to just clean up after myself when I use it!) Obvioulsy, being out of doors, the weather can be a factor, but unusually, I only need to pay for the days I need to use the office!! (Where do you find that deal?) Many of you who know me have visited the Office in these years for an afternoon or two.. Parking is free, the furniture may not be up to your liking- but your welcome to bring your own. Like work, you can bring a lunch, or simply enjoy an occasiononal beverage from our wetbar! I don't need a secretary, so appointments are readily available, affording us the time to sit the afternoon away discussing what is important or.. just sit and discuss everything that is not!
It is a place to forget your stresses and be awestruck at God's delightful images of tranquility. It is a place to know that each day I am exactly where I am supposed to be. A place to get your work done. Your real work! It is a place where magic happens. It is beautifully and luxurioulsy decorated. The ocean sparkles like diamonds. Ladybugs are the Admins, flying in and out sometimes to bring us a message. The afternoon agenda is crammed with spirtual books or friends coming to discuss them... we laugh an afternoon off instead of worrying about what's for dinner. (Or honestly, out there, you could fish for it.. as many do). The utilities are the most efficient in any setting I've been in! FREE. It offers central heat and air..(and mist, to keep your pores refreshed once a week!) The sun shines and warms you like no furnace or fireplace could. The air-conditioning always kicks on around around 1pm. It is powering the most beautiful screensaver, a sailboat with its white billowy sails that is moving across the horizon line of my computer... it kicks on just in time for that needed break to refill our cup, and walk around the office and stretch! You can have animals if you choose, and if you do not, some are provided for you! Visitors from all over come to visit the Office. They come to watch how God conducts business each day. They take pictures of it and remember it as a place where heaven touches life.
It is here that I take my continuing education classes every summe! The "magazines" in the wating room are the best. Or perhaps, I bring my memory of Joyce's AM message with me to think upon as I discern my spiritual wholeness. I can listen to the signs and sounds of God's "Musac", squawking seagulls, rippling tides crashing against the rocks or a multitude of foreign dialects around me, (Japanese, Spanish, or a mother yelling at her kids!) The point is that the sounds and sights will be different for the indiviual out there in God's business office! We've all been hired for different jobs!
My latest read, ("The Alchemist"), and coincidentally, (or not), Joyce's message this morning speak of the same theme. And that is, to know what we have been called to do. Our path and to not rush it! Not easy work you say!! (and I say).. and yet I'm told repeadedtly in these days of August that in fact its a whole lot easier than we know! (Like the way the Office runs).
I am reminded constantly that God has work for us. A clear path of our goal that is also divine. The book suggests, "we all have a personal legend". Our mission, if we choose to accept it, is to get on the path of finding the legend. We all have one! Although, we must wait for the signs of what and where to do this! We are told that we innately know what this is and choke that filter of knowledge with every day living hassles and stress! We put our faith into worry and not into .. trust. We don't want or can't find the time to listen. To wait for our walking papers, so instead we panic and move toward directions that are not on the road of our legendary make up! We watch others and compare our living to them. We are convinced they are doing this better! We struggle to find out why things happen unfairly. Why something has ended prematurely. Why greed and control seems to win out! We spin our tires worrying about what is not for us to worry about.
Yesterday, I was at the Office alone. I was reading a very large document for a future meeting which may or may not be part of my legendary road map.. (we'll see). And I had opted to listen to God's Musac being pumped through his overhead Bose speakers down there..It was the sound of struggle. I put my document down realizing that I was witnessing an Office "altercation" at the "water fountain." I observed a seagull.. beautiful in stature and color. (strong). Tugging and digging and relentlessly pulling something from the shoreline. He was working with such determination and strength. I easily watched him for 10 minutes. (Love when God gives us a show to watch in the midst of our working day with him). Finally, the gull pulls out a large and lovely fish! Goodness it was amazing!!! I also noticed some other gulls hovering.. of course! No one helped him.. he did it all by himself. However, there was another gull around. Not being an expert on gulls I am not certain as to why this one is so different. It was quite large, brownish, spotty,and certainly not striking like the grey and white variety. It was also quite angry! Mean. It was hovering as well.. but hovering in a way that wasn't needy for the catch of the day.. but needy to take this away from the gull who had worked so hard for it. The ugly bird was heavier and bolder, for sure. But, I tried to be fair to the old bird.. and yet its interior ugliness was the part I was most unhappy with!
Not minutes after the grey gull retireved a fish fillet for himself and his constituents, (tail still flapping and neck wriggling around in the bird's beak,) the old brown bird made its place known! The old bird spread its large and overwhelming wingspan and ran after the gull. The other "birds" sat there and watched! The old bird yelled in seagull-ese at the grey gull! The grey gull couldn't respond much as it was needing to hold that flapping fish in its mouth tighter and tighter! The old bird got angrier as the grey gull turned and brought the fish over to the others. It became obvious to me that he was some sort of leader in this particular gull community. The one responsible for feeding the many. As soon as the gull turned to do his job, feed himself and the others, the old bird began pecking and biting the grey gull.. it surprised me however that after only one time of him using this abusive tactic did the grey gull drop the fish right in front of the ugly bird.. and walk away.
Ironically, a few events occured after this heartbreaking moment, during this "God Broadcast", commercial interruption if you will, that were my lessons yesterday! As soon as the ugly fish had possesion of the fish.. it stopped moving! It seemed dead to me in a way that only animals innately know NOT to eat something that might make them sick. Quickly the other "birds" rushed over to that old bird.. someone had to feed them afterall.. and when they got around the old bird and the flapped out fish lying dead.. they smelled it and walked off! The old bird no longer wanted it either, proceeding to throw it back into the ocean.. but remaining at the shore perched! Perhaps looking for another gull to find it some food before the sun sets that day.
And as for our silver gull, I watched him mostly especially! (He was silver to me now). Couldn't keep my eyes off of his movements after the surrender of the fish. He too sat at the shore of life and waited. Once in awhile he bellowed out a call.. but for the most part he sat idly and quietly. He was indeed, embarrassed at first.. and angry at himslef. I watched his pride fill up in his breast as he just gazed out blankly across the mist and fog. The other "birds" they did not bother with him.. although they really hadn't pre-hunt either. I felt for him. I felt for his lack of control in that situation. His obvious fear of being "pecked to death"..(sorry couldn't resist).. And him knowing the "pecking order" that was involved here! (again sorry). I watched him. I watched him watch the fish die that he worked so hard to pull out and feed himself and many with.. and yet, still he sat. I kept thinking to myslef, "What is going through his head while he just continues to sit there... seemingly oblivious to what just happened??"
In about 10 minutes following this silence I picked up my manuscript and decided that life needed to resume. The action was over. It was quiet and no one was squawking any longer. The other birds started hopping away and the silver gull remained silent, but now "aware" at the shore.
The old bird was still hanging around .. couldn't keep to itself either, it was still fixated on the silver gull. Yet the silver gull, without care of who or what was watching him, in a matter of moments surprised us all as he dove down quicker than you can say "EEL"... and had one triumphantly clutched in his mouth! It was wriggling about and it was completely and totally different than the fish! It came as such a surprise to me to see his his quiet, unplanned comeback!!! And with his eyes fixated up to the sky he gracefully opened his mouth wide, (like when you throw a grape up in the air and catch it in your mouth), and as the old bird came running over to swoop in ..he swallowed the whole thing in front of him....one motion.. gulp!
It was gone and.. in him! He fed himself this time. He then walked away without hestiation to hang out with some other birds and have fun!
I was so proud of silver boy! He learned his lesson.. A lesson intended for me to learn at my Office! "The Alchemist".. talks of listening to the Language of the World in nature. It speaks of observations that shouldn't be overlooked in seeking our Personal Legends. Yesterday was one of those days!
If you ever want to visit the office, just remember appointments aren't needed, nor is furniture, or refreshments.. just an open mind, heart and soul! Its a place where the sky is always clear and the ocean will wink back at you as it twinkles below the warmth of the afternoon sun!
Thanks for coming! Be sure to come again,
Miss Dawn
Another summer delight in addition to watching Joyce each morning is the ability to leisurely discern my future on a daily basis in a peaceful oasis.. and I do this with careful thought and consideration mind you. I have been fortunate to spend my afternoon time once again this summer, at what has come to be called, (jokingly for years), "My Office". The Office, is my.. well... "Office"... in the summer! (Not a classroom.. or is it???) I love the fact that since I began "renting space" at the Office each summer, numbers of life-altering events have gone on in my existence.. and yet the office continues to remain its beautiful, picturesque, oasis of learning overlooking the channel of the Atlantic. It is a place quite frankly, where life does stand still and changes simultaneoulsy.
The Office is open for business most days from 1:30 to 4:30... well, for me that it is. God gives you the luxury of choosing your own hours! The rent is cheap and the accodomations perfect! (There is rent control.. it hasn't been raised in 15 years and it is still very reasonable- nothing!) My maintenance fees are fixed... it is to just clean up after myself when I use it!) Obvioulsy, being out of doors, the weather can be a factor, but unusually, I only need to pay for the days I need to use the office!! (Where do you find that deal?) Many of you who know me have visited the Office in these years for an afternoon or two.. Parking is free, the furniture may not be up to your liking- but your welcome to bring your own. Like work, you can bring a lunch, or simply enjoy an occasiononal beverage from our wetbar! I don't need a secretary, so appointments are readily available, affording us the time to sit the afternoon away discussing what is important or.. just sit and discuss everything that is not!
It is a place to forget your stresses and be awestruck at God's delightful images of tranquility. It is a place to know that each day I am exactly where I am supposed to be. A place to get your work done. Your real work! It is a place where magic happens. It is beautifully and luxurioulsy decorated. The ocean sparkles like diamonds. Ladybugs are the Admins, flying in and out sometimes to bring us a message. The afternoon agenda is crammed with spirtual books or friends coming to discuss them... we laugh an afternoon off instead of worrying about what's for dinner. (Or honestly, out there, you could fish for it.. as many do). The utilities are the most efficient in any setting I've been in! FREE. It offers central heat and air..(and mist, to keep your pores refreshed once a week!) The sun shines and warms you like no furnace or fireplace could. The air-conditioning always kicks on around around 1pm. It is powering the most beautiful screensaver, a sailboat with its white billowy sails that is moving across the horizon line of my computer... it kicks on just in time for that needed break to refill our cup, and walk around the office and stretch! You can have animals if you choose, and if you do not, some are provided for you! Visitors from all over come to visit the Office. They come to watch how God conducts business each day. They take pictures of it and remember it as a place where heaven touches life.
It is here that I take my continuing education classes every summe! The "magazines" in the wating room are the best. Or perhaps, I bring my memory of Joyce's AM message with me to think upon as I discern my spiritual wholeness. I can listen to the signs and sounds of God's "Musac", squawking seagulls, rippling tides crashing against the rocks or a multitude of foreign dialects around me, (Japanese, Spanish, or a mother yelling at her kids!) The point is that the sounds and sights will be different for the indiviual out there in God's business office! We've all been hired for different jobs!
My latest read, ("The Alchemist"), and coincidentally, (or not), Joyce's message this morning speak of the same theme. And that is, to know what we have been called to do. Our path and to not rush it! Not easy work you say!! (and I say).. and yet I'm told repeadedtly in these days of August that in fact its a whole lot easier than we know! (Like the way the Office runs).
I am reminded constantly that God has work for us. A clear path of our goal that is also divine. The book suggests, "we all have a personal legend". Our mission, if we choose to accept it, is to get on the path of finding the legend. We all have one! Although, we must wait for the signs of what and where to do this! We are told that we innately know what this is and choke that filter of knowledge with every day living hassles and stress! We put our faith into worry and not into .. trust. We don't want or can't find the time to listen. To wait for our walking papers, so instead we panic and move toward directions that are not on the road of our legendary make up! We watch others and compare our living to them. We are convinced they are doing this better! We struggle to find out why things happen unfairly. Why something has ended prematurely. Why greed and control seems to win out! We spin our tires worrying about what is not for us to worry about.
Yesterday, I was at the Office alone. I was reading a very large document for a future meeting which may or may not be part of my legendary road map.. (we'll see). And I had opted to listen to God's Musac being pumped through his overhead Bose speakers down there..It was the sound of struggle. I put my document down realizing that I was witnessing an Office "altercation" at the "water fountain." I observed a seagull.. beautiful in stature and color. (strong). Tugging and digging and relentlessly pulling something from the shoreline. He was working with such determination and strength. I easily watched him for 10 minutes. (Love when God gives us a show to watch in the midst of our working day with him). Finally, the gull pulls out a large and lovely fish! Goodness it was amazing!!! I also noticed some other gulls hovering.. of course! No one helped him.. he did it all by himself. However, there was another gull around. Not being an expert on gulls I am not certain as to why this one is so different. It was quite large, brownish, spotty,and certainly not striking like the grey and white variety. It was also quite angry! Mean. It was hovering as well.. but hovering in a way that wasn't needy for the catch of the day.. but needy to take this away from the gull who had worked so hard for it. The ugly bird was heavier and bolder, for sure. But, I tried to be fair to the old bird.. and yet its interior ugliness was the part I was most unhappy with!
Not minutes after the grey gull retireved a fish fillet for himself and his constituents, (tail still flapping and neck wriggling around in the bird's beak,) the old brown bird made its place known! The old bird spread its large and overwhelming wingspan and ran after the gull. The other "birds" sat there and watched! The old bird yelled in seagull-ese at the grey gull! The grey gull couldn't respond much as it was needing to hold that flapping fish in its mouth tighter and tighter! The old bird got angrier as the grey gull turned and brought the fish over to the others. It became obvious to me that he was some sort of leader in this particular gull community. The one responsible for feeding the many. As soon as the gull turned to do his job, feed himself and the others, the old bird began pecking and biting the grey gull.. it surprised me however that after only one time of him using this abusive tactic did the grey gull drop the fish right in front of the ugly bird.. and walk away.
Ironically, a few events occured after this heartbreaking moment, during this "God Broadcast", commercial interruption if you will, that were my lessons yesterday! As soon as the ugly fish had possesion of the fish.. it stopped moving! It seemed dead to me in a way that only animals innately know NOT to eat something that might make them sick. Quickly the other "birds" rushed over to that old bird.. someone had to feed them afterall.. and when they got around the old bird and the flapped out fish lying dead.. they smelled it and walked off! The old bird no longer wanted it either, proceeding to throw it back into the ocean.. but remaining at the shore perched! Perhaps looking for another gull to find it some food before the sun sets that day.
And as for our silver gull, I watched him mostly especially! (He was silver to me now). Couldn't keep my eyes off of his movements after the surrender of the fish. He too sat at the shore of life and waited. Once in awhile he bellowed out a call.. but for the most part he sat idly and quietly. He was indeed, embarrassed at first.. and angry at himslef. I watched his pride fill up in his breast as he just gazed out blankly across the mist and fog. The other "birds" they did not bother with him.. although they really hadn't pre-hunt either. I felt for him. I felt for his lack of control in that situation. His obvious fear of being "pecked to death"..(sorry couldn't resist).. And him knowing the "pecking order" that was involved here! (again sorry). I watched him. I watched him watch the fish die that he worked so hard to pull out and feed himself and many with.. and yet, still he sat. I kept thinking to myslef, "What is going through his head while he just continues to sit there... seemingly oblivious to what just happened??"
In about 10 minutes following this silence I picked up my manuscript and decided that life needed to resume. The action was over. It was quiet and no one was squawking any longer. The other birds started hopping away and the silver gull remained silent, but now "aware" at the shore.
The old bird was still hanging around .. couldn't keep to itself either, it was still fixated on the silver gull. Yet the silver gull, without care of who or what was watching him, in a matter of moments surprised us all as he dove down quicker than you can say "EEL"... and had one triumphantly clutched in his mouth! It was wriggling about and it was completely and totally different than the fish! It came as such a surprise to me to see his his quiet, unplanned comeback!!! And with his eyes fixated up to the sky he gracefully opened his mouth wide, (like when you throw a grape up in the air and catch it in your mouth), and as the old bird came running over to swoop in ..he swallowed the whole thing in front of him....one motion.. gulp!
It was gone and.. in him! He fed himself this time. He then walked away without hestiation to hang out with some other birds and have fun!
I was so proud of silver boy! He learned his lesson.. A lesson intended for me to learn at my Office! "The Alchemist".. talks of listening to the Language of the World in nature. It speaks of observations that shouldn't be overlooked in seeking our Personal Legends. Yesterday was one of those days!
If you ever want to visit the office, just remember appointments aren't needed, nor is furniture, or refreshments.. just an open mind, heart and soul! Its a place where the sky is always clear and the ocean will wink back at you as it twinkles below the warmth of the afternoon sun!
Thanks for coming! Be sure to come again,
Miss Dawn
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Road Trippin'
Wikipedia tells me that a Road trip is a journey via automobile, sometimes unplanned or impromptu, or a journey involving sporting games away from home, thus encompassing any journey by automobile, regardless of stop en route.
Urban Dictionary states the following (printable versions.. however I love this site for its truthfulness and usage of word in a sentence!) 1. Road Trip - When a bunch of kids get in a car (most likely a VW Bus, with tons of drugs), and drive to an exotic destination (like Vegas or New Jersey). s.= "Hey dude let's go to Vegas! Hell Yeah! Road Trip!!"
Road trips are on my mind lately. Most especially since I just came off one.. I began to think on my most recent road trip about many other famous, (or infamous), fictional, (or non-fictional), road trips. There are the more famous varieties to look at.. Dorothy's road trip down the Yellow Brick Road to Oz. (although no motor vehicle was involved, nonetheless, a road trip!) Harry and Sally's drive from Chicago to NYC.( The prelude to their future road trip as man and wife.) Then there's Little Miss Sunshine.. more reminiscent of my childhood road trips, (endless driving in a VW Bus with your whole family in the 60's and 70's but instead of Beauty Pageant quests we had to sleep in Civil War campgrounds..ugh), or the sillier Dumb and Dumber.. a film I never got! And then there is the Road to Emmaus.. the Easter story road trip where 2 of the disciples are befriended by a risen Jesus, "in disguise", on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus.. a 7 mile walking journey that involves the discussion between a stranger on the road in regard to Jesus' recent cruxifiction and Resurrection. Anyway you look at it an awaking happens on the road trips of life!
Movies and songs describing road trips are fantastic. I personally dig these songs!! Sometimes they ring true of moments in our existence, and sometimes they are very imaginary. They can conjure up wild images as only Jackson Browne's "Load out-Stay" can, and as equally captivating is the Eagles can paint, "Running down the road trying to loosen my load I got seven women on my mind... Standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona, such a fine sight to see, there's a girl my Lord, in a flatbed Ford slowin' down to take a look at me!" or...they can cloud the mind in painful memories of arguments, unspoken truths, and blurted out bodily noises none of us care to remember! Human nature taking over. Point is.. no matter the truth, or the trip, the road has a way to get to the bottom of whatever is ruminating in the depths of our beings and blurt out the unspoken and the uncertain! I am convinced that Route 95 is a lay line underneath the Earth's surface.. it holds many of the world's secrets. It must... as many a traveller has unloaded their souls on the trip north or south.
Summertime for many, is the season of the road trip. Folks seem to travel as soon as school is released. They are looking for other lands. They are craving adventure and a neediness to "G'it outta Dodge." They are truly looking to get beyond the rainbow and find a place where happy little bluebirds fly and troubles melt like lemon drops.. when the body and mind.. and mostly the soul is tired of living in the Matrix. The road trip is a way to commune with your God. It allows us to see the world in ways we refuse too when stuck in suburbia. It forces us to befriend and speak to people who normally don't speak to us... or us to them.. such as a scarecrow or the boy we had a secret crush on in college whom we pretended to hate with a passion. Road trips equally make us deal with terror on the road.. flat tires, missed exits, hungry tigers, wicked witches, and traffic hold ups in the DC area! It invites us to strut our stuff in those Daisy Dukes and cowboy boots.. a Harley look perhaps.. red ruby slippers... where life is wild and showering, an option!
My recent road trip involved all those things. And it should because they are about real life. They help us tune out ordinary ho-hum and tune in to what really just happened...or what is about to happen when one lives outside of the Matrix. On this recent trip we, (my travelling partner and I), were using a device that tunes your Ipod into local stations in order to get a signal and play the music YOU want to hear. Interestingly enough, the tuning devise, (sometimes a royal pain in the...), would only pick up signal in areas that weren't congested. Places where the ho-hum of suburbia makes us go through the motions of survival each day.. those congested areas of our lives allow us to not see what is clear.. or in our/my case not HEAR what I wanted to hear! I just got static or FM. The switching of stations over and over 'til I desperately find something I like did not impress my partner.. sadly that is how we seem to roll... or even worse turning off the radio and tuning in to, "Living in quiet desperation..." , as the Floyd says.
Road trips teach us to get on the open road and explore.. find out.. research and let go of ordinary ways. Our Ipod was pre-programmed, but it was set to either play the prescribed music when wanted or set to shuffle to surprise us.. that's okay. Either way.. it was coming in clearly and it made us happy.
Life however still happens on the road trip.. as did mine. Car wrecks and constipation (sorry).. miles of bottomless promises to see this great thing called "South of the Border"... billboard signs along the road telling us we're in trouble with God, (No. Carolina) or, inviting us to a topless lunch with live music, (that would've been my choice of fun!).. also ironically in No. Carolina! Mixed messages abound one might say... nonetheless.. life. On this trip, I wasn't the driver most of the way.. and that was good.. My job.. was that I needed to makes sure on this adventure that we weren't receiving static, buying into misguided road stops, staying on course, and having fun! WOW.. isn't that what we are supposed to do every day??
I once began to write a book about traveling down life's road. It was to be called "The Rules of the Road". I still possess the draft of it. Recently, this year I believe, some other budding author published a book and came up with the same concept.. and title.. ironically.. which was proof that if you don't pick up and do it yourself someone else will! The road trip teaches us to embrace the moment... live in it,, instead of waiting for it.. but do it with a plan of some kind... or as my friend Jon always asks me, "Dawn.. what's your end game?" Road trips start somewhere and need to end somewhere.. they can't last forever... (life on the road can get overwhelmingly at times). Road trips take place somewhere over the rainbow looking for the great and powerful Oz.. but even Dottie knew that Kansas was her last stop. She had her eyes on her fries.. without one single McDonalds or Starbucks along the Yellow Brick Road. The Disciples eyes were opened to the realization that indeed the stranger was Jesus on the road to Emmaus.. a little girl traveling with people she adores on a VW bus realized her dream of being somebody, and Harry and Sally get married.. all due to a road trip!
My trip ends well. It ends up back home.. the nightmare being over..
with the realization that I have awoken from a dream and everyone was there. The road trip took me away and brought me back safely. Mishaps, some .. laughs.. more than I can mention.. and truly the return produced a rainbow in the sky in the company of friends! The promise of brighter days ahead, no static, that home is wherever life takes and makes you happy inside...
Safe Travels, Miss Dawn
Urban Dictionary states the following (printable versions.. however I love this site for its truthfulness and usage of word in a sentence!) 1. Road Trip - When a bunch of kids get in a car (most likely a VW Bus, with tons of drugs), and drive to an exotic destination (like Vegas or New Jersey). s.= "Hey dude let's go to Vegas! Hell Yeah! Road Trip!!"
Road trips are on my mind lately. Most especially since I just came off one.. I began to think on my most recent road trip about many other famous, (or infamous), fictional, (or non-fictional), road trips. There are the more famous varieties to look at.. Dorothy's road trip down the Yellow Brick Road to Oz. (although no motor vehicle was involved, nonetheless, a road trip!) Harry and Sally's drive from Chicago to NYC.( The prelude to their future road trip as man and wife.) Then there's Little Miss Sunshine.. more reminiscent of my childhood road trips, (endless driving in a VW Bus with your whole family in the 60's and 70's but instead of Beauty Pageant quests we had to sleep in Civil War campgrounds..ugh), or the sillier Dumb and Dumber.. a film I never got! And then there is the Road to Emmaus.. the Easter story road trip where 2 of the disciples are befriended by a risen Jesus, "in disguise", on their way from Jerusalem to Emmaus.. a 7 mile walking journey that involves the discussion between a stranger on the road in regard to Jesus' recent cruxifiction and Resurrection. Anyway you look at it an awaking happens on the road trips of life!
Movies and songs describing road trips are fantastic. I personally dig these songs!! Sometimes they ring true of moments in our existence, and sometimes they are very imaginary. They can conjure up wild images as only Jackson Browne's "Load out-Stay" can, and as equally captivating is the Eagles can paint, "Running down the road trying to loosen my load I got seven women on my mind... Standing on a corner in Winslow, Arizona, such a fine sight to see, there's a girl my Lord, in a flatbed Ford slowin' down to take a look at me!" or...they can cloud the mind in painful memories of arguments, unspoken truths, and blurted out bodily noises none of us care to remember! Human nature taking over. Point is.. no matter the truth, or the trip, the road has a way to get to the bottom of whatever is ruminating in the depths of our beings and blurt out the unspoken and the uncertain! I am convinced that Route 95 is a lay line underneath the Earth's surface.. it holds many of the world's secrets. It must... as many a traveller has unloaded their souls on the trip north or south.
Summertime for many, is the season of the road trip. Folks seem to travel as soon as school is released. They are looking for other lands. They are craving adventure and a neediness to "G'it outta Dodge." They are truly looking to get beyond the rainbow and find a place where happy little bluebirds fly and troubles melt like lemon drops.. when the body and mind.. and mostly the soul is tired of living in the Matrix. The road trip is a way to commune with your God. It allows us to see the world in ways we refuse too when stuck in suburbia. It forces us to befriend and speak to people who normally don't speak to us... or us to them.. such as a scarecrow or the boy we had a secret crush on in college whom we pretended to hate with a passion. Road trips equally make us deal with terror on the road.. flat tires, missed exits, hungry tigers, wicked witches, and traffic hold ups in the DC area! It invites us to strut our stuff in those Daisy Dukes and cowboy boots.. a Harley look perhaps.. red ruby slippers... where life is wild and showering, an option!
My recent road trip involved all those things. And it should because they are about real life. They help us tune out ordinary ho-hum and tune in to what really just happened...or what is about to happen when one lives outside of the Matrix. On this recent trip we, (my travelling partner and I), were using a device that tunes your Ipod into local stations in order to get a signal and play the music YOU want to hear. Interestingly enough, the tuning devise, (sometimes a royal pain in the...), would only pick up signal in areas that weren't congested. Places where the ho-hum of suburbia makes us go through the motions of survival each day.. those congested areas of our lives allow us to not see what is clear.. or in our/my case not HEAR what I wanted to hear! I just got static or FM. The switching of stations over and over 'til I desperately find something I like did not impress my partner.. sadly that is how we seem to roll... or even worse turning off the radio and tuning in to, "Living in quiet desperation..." , as the Floyd says.
Road trips teach us to get on the open road and explore.. find out.. research and let go of ordinary ways. Our Ipod was pre-programmed, but it was set to either play the prescribed music when wanted or set to shuffle to surprise us.. that's okay. Either way.. it was coming in clearly and it made us happy.
Life however still happens on the road trip.. as did mine. Car wrecks and constipation (sorry).. miles of bottomless promises to see this great thing called "South of the Border"... billboard signs along the road telling us we're in trouble with God, (No. Carolina) or, inviting us to a topless lunch with live music, (that would've been my choice of fun!).. also ironically in No. Carolina! Mixed messages abound one might say... nonetheless.. life. On this trip, I wasn't the driver most of the way.. and that was good.. My job.. was that I needed to makes sure on this adventure that we weren't receiving static, buying into misguided road stops, staying on course, and having fun! WOW.. isn't that what we are supposed to do every day??
I once began to write a book about traveling down life's road. It was to be called "The Rules of the Road". I still possess the draft of it. Recently, this year I believe, some other budding author published a book and came up with the same concept.. and title.. ironically.. which was proof that if you don't pick up and do it yourself someone else will! The road trip teaches us to embrace the moment... live in it,, instead of waiting for it.. but do it with a plan of some kind... or as my friend Jon always asks me, "Dawn.. what's your end game?" Road trips start somewhere and need to end somewhere.. they can't last forever... (life on the road can get overwhelmingly at times). Road trips take place somewhere over the rainbow looking for the great and powerful Oz.. but even Dottie knew that Kansas was her last stop. She had her eyes on her fries.. without one single McDonalds or Starbucks along the Yellow Brick Road. The Disciples eyes were opened to the realization that indeed the stranger was Jesus on the road to Emmaus.. a little girl traveling with people she adores on a VW bus realized her dream of being somebody, and Harry and Sally get married.. all due to a road trip!
My trip ends well. It ends up back home.. the nightmare being over..
with the realization that I have awoken from a dream and everyone was there. The road trip took me away and brought me back safely. Mishaps, some .. laughs.. more than I can mention.. and truly the return produced a rainbow in the sky in the company of friends! The promise of brighter days ahead, no static, that home is wherever life takes and makes you happy inside...
Safe Travels, Miss Dawn
Monday, June 15, 2009
"He got up rebuked the wind, and said to the waves, "Quiet. Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm." (Mark 4:39).
As I meditate on this week's coming Gospel message two things happen for me... I think that my former students know this passage SOOO very well. (As they could teach it themselves, they've heard me quote it so many times!). And, that it happens to fall into contemplative alignment of where my life is heading at the moment. A storm being quieted down by Jesus himself.
Let's open this story a bit. We have the Disciples and Jesus out on the Galilee on a small fishing vessel. They are crossing one side of the lake to another.. quite a journey in a small boat. A normal day to be sure. It was probably very warm and fishing was good. Jesus sitting in the stern of the boat nods off for 40 winks. Then, as things are seemingly good and uneventful in life, a storm comes out of nowhere. Jesus is sleeping and the Disciples are scrambling around doing what sailors do when a storm kicks up suddenly. I am sure they are bringing down the mainsail, (probably just one anyway on this little boat), bailing the water that is rising to their kneecaps, protecting each other from thunder and lightening..perhaps protecting the fish, if any, that they caught..or thinking they can catch while a storm is present! All the while Jesus is sleeping on the stern cushion..I love it. The minute the sky turned black did they turn to Jesus? No. When the water was rushing in like crazy did they wake Jesus? No. No, in fact the Disciples wait until they can't fix the problem themselves do they "invite Jesus" to help them solve this one! Typical of human nature.. when our boats are sinking, we call out to Jesus in panic.
At this critical moment the questions toward Jesus begin surfacing from our needy friends and from Jesus.. (I need to laugh thinking.. "These guys are fishermen.. imagine their language and line of questioning?" ) Anyhow, like any of us, in a time of crisis we turn to God and fire away.
"Lord, wake up! Don't you care that we drown?" Well, what an interesting question. One I have asked more than once in my lifetime when things seem impossible. Don't we all. "Well of course I care you silly men.." Jesus is thinking.. not saying a word.. He arises in the boat reaches out his arms over the raging sea and says, "Be Still. Be quiet. Quit". Basically a big ol' "SHUT UP" to these thrashing waves. And it stops. "Peace, be still." As Mark tells us, it is replaced by calmness. Like when we wish Peace unto another in church, the way Jesus always did when he entered a room, no matter the conditions. However, the squall of this nature may have ended but another type is just being introduced. Jesus' reaction to the Disciples...
"Why are you so afraid?" "Do you still not trust?" Two great questions. It can be so overwhelmingly difficult in times of trial to really trust in God. Jesus asks these questions almost in disgust. Who can blame him? When I relate this story to the children.. their mouths hang open at Jesus making the wind and water cease.. why not? It's a wonderfully dramatic story. A thriller, cliff-hanger. Then when I get into character, playing the part of the worried and faithless Disciples.."Well.. Jesus where were you? We were drowning? Why and how could you have slept through that storm?" The children laugh at me! They laugh because I'm pretty good at playing that role at times.. and they also laugh because they have the faith of God. The are believers naturally. They must be. They are reliant on their "other" parents for everything in life... Protection, shelter, food, love, and comfort. They don't doubt where their next meal(s) or snacks come from. They believe it will happen. They don't worry about how to get to school tomorrow.. they never worry about being comforted when injured or distressed.. or what clothing will be available to them on that special occasion. BECAUSE... they TRUST these people called mother and father! Just like we need to trust our Father in heaven.
This week I was recently tested in a crisis. It was awful. I lost my car keys. I was moving some things and left my keys accidentally in a place where they weren't safe. I was overwhelmed by other thoughts and details.. and did something careless. I was, indeed horrified though, because I had locked in my wheels my purse..(my wallet, personal things, etc), and my cell phone. Yikes! The most horrifying moment however.. to make matters even more compelling was that sometime between last summer and now, I have searched for the spare key for that "just in case" moment. I am not a pack rat and usually know exactly where things are. I knew for a long time where that spare was and then one day in September I could not locate it.. kept thinking it will turn up when I need it. WELL.. I NEEDED IT! These new electronic keys are very expensive to replace. (Of course a warranty doesn't pay for your own stupidity). SO I went on a pilgrimage to find the lost set. I trekked to places so dangerous.. I care not repeat it here. In the midst of this journey, I began telling God as I walked and hunted.. that I wasn't thinking I could handle one more thing right now. I was truly at my wits end...my faith tested and belief in a higher order now compromised. I was panicked and in tears. (Obviously more going on here than just the loss of the keys).. But had I cried out to God yet before this moment?..not really. I thought I could bail the water of that boat myself.. waiting and careful not to "disturb" Jesus while He slept..hmm.
The pilgrimage turned up empty. I was out of options except to go the dealership and pay out a couple of hundred bucks to replace my keys. Ugh. I thought, well maybe I'll see if AAA should come first.. a moment of desperation. The AAA man arrives and pops my car door. The alarm goes off and ceases. He then asks.. "where are your keys?" I sheepishly tell him that I haven't any. I begin to explain my story and sit down in the passenger seat..I'm out of faith virtually. I sit and put my forward on the steering wheel..in tears. He's telling me he can disarm the alarm system.. and blah, blah blah.. Then the alarm quieted almost immediately as my tears flowed .."Be quiet. Be still" was Jesus' voice echoing. And for no other reason I can justify or know I looked under my driver's seat. WHY? I just cleaned and vacuumed my car a week ago.. and sitting in the mechanics of the chair on the floor... WAS THE SPARE!
I took a double take and reached in for it. I pulled it out like I had just plucked the Holy Grail out of The Temple of Doom! I smiled so hard .. beaming actually! And popped out of the seat..shouting, "I don't believe this .. I don't believe this!" The tow truck driver just looked at me as this instantaneous act of God happened, and said, "Hey lady, you keep your spare under the seat?" I said.. " There is a God!!!" And he replied, (looking at me like I was nuts and writing on his clipboard), "Shit yeah there is a God!" I laughed so hard.. into tears. This guy was not phased not one bit by any of my actions or expressions. I told him the story.. and he looked at me and said, "Those keys are expensive!"
I was amazed. Truly amazed. God found my key. Maybe not the original set (which was lighter these days anyhow having just got rid of 2 keys I no longer needed that same afternoon!) But, I had the key to get me what I needed in more ways than one. My father (not God..), then attached a brand new key to home on that keyring. Rather symbolic one might say. (I also got the disgusted grumblings of fatherly wisdom.."You're damn lucky!")
Luck. no.. Tested in faith? yes.
So our final question brings me to the Disciples last line of questioning to their teacher, "What kind of man is this that even the winds and the waves listen to him?" Prior to Friday morning I would've said, ask the AAA Roadside Assistance guy.. but I today I say, "No man at all, but God himself."
Peace be with you,
Miss Dawn
As I meditate on this week's coming Gospel message two things happen for me... I think that my former students know this passage SOOO very well. (As they could teach it themselves, they've heard me quote it so many times!). And, that it happens to fall into contemplative alignment of where my life is heading at the moment. A storm being quieted down by Jesus himself.
Let's open this story a bit. We have the Disciples and Jesus out on the Galilee on a small fishing vessel. They are crossing one side of the lake to another.. quite a journey in a small boat. A normal day to be sure. It was probably very warm and fishing was good. Jesus sitting in the stern of the boat nods off for 40 winks. Then, as things are seemingly good and uneventful in life, a storm comes out of nowhere. Jesus is sleeping and the Disciples are scrambling around doing what sailors do when a storm kicks up suddenly. I am sure they are bringing down the mainsail, (probably just one anyway on this little boat), bailing the water that is rising to their kneecaps, protecting each other from thunder and lightening..perhaps protecting the fish, if any, that they caught..or thinking they can catch while a storm is present! All the while Jesus is sleeping on the stern cushion..I love it. The minute the sky turned black did they turn to Jesus? No. When the water was rushing in like crazy did they wake Jesus? No. No, in fact the Disciples wait until they can't fix the problem themselves do they "invite Jesus" to help them solve this one! Typical of human nature.. when our boats are sinking, we call out to Jesus in panic.
At this critical moment the questions toward Jesus begin surfacing from our needy friends and from Jesus.. (I need to laugh thinking.. "These guys are fishermen.. imagine their language and line of questioning?" ) Anyhow, like any of us, in a time of crisis we turn to God and fire away.
"Lord, wake up! Don't you care that we drown?" Well, what an interesting question. One I have asked more than once in my lifetime when things seem impossible. Don't we all. "Well of course I care you silly men.." Jesus is thinking.. not saying a word.. He arises in the boat reaches out his arms over the raging sea and says, "Be Still. Be quiet. Quit". Basically a big ol' "SHUT UP" to these thrashing waves. And it stops. "Peace, be still." As Mark tells us, it is replaced by calmness. Like when we wish Peace unto another in church, the way Jesus always did when he entered a room, no matter the conditions. However, the squall of this nature may have ended but another type is just being introduced. Jesus' reaction to the Disciples...
"Why are you so afraid?" "Do you still not trust?" Two great questions. It can be so overwhelmingly difficult in times of trial to really trust in God. Jesus asks these questions almost in disgust. Who can blame him? When I relate this story to the children.. their mouths hang open at Jesus making the wind and water cease.. why not? It's a wonderfully dramatic story. A thriller, cliff-hanger. Then when I get into character, playing the part of the worried and faithless Disciples.."Well.. Jesus where were you? We were drowning? Why and how could you have slept through that storm?" The children laugh at me! They laugh because I'm pretty good at playing that role at times.. and they also laugh because they have the faith of God. The are believers naturally. They must be. They are reliant on their "other" parents for everything in life... Protection, shelter, food, love, and comfort. They don't doubt where their next meal(s) or snacks come from. They believe it will happen. They don't worry about how to get to school tomorrow.. they never worry about being comforted when injured or distressed.. or what clothing will be available to them on that special occasion. BECAUSE... they TRUST these people called mother and father! Just like we need to trust our Father in heaven.
This week I was recently tested in a crisis. It was awful. I lost my car keys. I was moving some things and left my keys accidentally in a place where they weren't safe. I was overwhelmed by other thoughts and details.. and did something careless. I was, indeed horrified though, because I had locked in my wheels my purse..(my wallet, personal things, etc), and my cell phone. Yikes! The most horrifying moment however.. to make matters even more compelling was that sometime between last summer and now, I have searched for the spare key for that "just in case" moment. I am not a pack rat and usually know exactly where things are. I knew for a long time where that spare was and then one day in September I could not locate it.. kept thinking it will turn up when I need it. WELL.. I NEEDED IT! These new electronic keys are very expensive to replace. (Of course a warranty doesn't pay for your own stupidity). SO I went on a pilgrimage to find the lost set. I trekked to places so dangerous.. I care not repeat it here. In the midst of this journey, I began telling God as I walked and hunted.. that I wasn't thinking I could handle one more thing right now. I was truly at my wits end...my faith tested and belief in a higher order now compromised. I was panicked and in tears. (Obviously more going on here than just the loss of the keys).. But had I cried out to God yet before this moment?..not really. I thought I could bail the water of that boat myself.. waiting and careful not to "disturb" Jesus while He slept..hmm.
The pilgrimage turned up empty. I was out of options except to go the dealership and pay out a couple of hundred bucks to replace my keys. Ugh. I thought, well maybe I'll see if AAA should come first.. a moment of desperation. The AAA man arrives and pops my car door. The alarm goes off and ceases. He then asks.. "where are your keys?" I sheepishly tell him that I haven't any. I begin to explain my story and sit down in the passenger seat..I'm out of faith virtually. I sit and put my forward on the steering wheel..in tears. He's telling me he can disarm the alarm system.. and blah, blah blah.. Then the alarm quieted almost immediately as my tears flowed .."Be quiet. Be still" was Jesus' voice echoing. And for no other reason I can justify or know I looked under my driver's seat. WHY? I just cleaned and vacuumed my car a week ago.. and sitting in the mechanics of the chair on the floor... WAS THE SPARE!
I took a double take and reached in for it. I pulled it out like I had just plucked the Holy Grail out of The Temple of Doom! I smiled so hard .. beaming actually! And popped out of the seat..shouting, "I don't believe this .. I don't believe this!" The tow truck driver just looked at me as this instantaneous act of God happened, and said, "Hey lady, you keep your spare under the seat?" I said.. " There is a God!!!" And he replied, (looking at me like I was nuts and writing on his clipboard), "Shit yeah there is a God!" I laughed so hard.. into tears. This guy was not phased not one bit by any of my actions or expressions. I told him the story.. and he looked at me and said, "Those keys are expensive!"
I was amazed. Truly amazed. God found my key. Maybe not the original set (which was lighter these days anyhow having just got rid of 2 keys I no longer needed that same afternoon!) But, I had the key to get me what I needed in more ways than one. My father (not God..), then attached a brand new key to home on that keyring. Rather symbolic one might say. (I also got the disgusted grumblings of fatherly wisdom.."You're damn lucky!")
Luck. no.. Tested in faith? yes.
So our final question brings me to the Disciples last line of questioning to their teacher, "What kind of man is this that even the winds and the waves listen to him?" Prior to Friday morning I would've said, ask the AAA Roadside Assistance guy.. but I today I say, "No man at all, but God himself."
Peace be with you,
Miss Dawn
Friday, June 12, 2009
Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da...
"Desmond has a barrow in the marketplace, Molly is a singer in a band. Desmond says to Molly, girl I like your face. And Molly says this as she takes him by the hand...Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da..Life goes on bra, La la how the life goes on!"
Welcome to Miss Dawn's Blog! Here you can read about progress about where I am heading and adventures that I will be taking in these months ahead. I will be posting my spiritual musings still and offering new and progressive educational avenues to walk for the young child and his family.
I hope you all stay tuned as I walk out into new life.
Sincerely, Miss Dawn
Welcome to Miss Dawn's Blog! Here you can read about progress about where I am heading and adventures that I will be taking in these months ahead. I will be posting my spiritual musings still and offering new and progressive educational avenues to walk for the young child and his family.
I hope you all stay tuned as I walk out into new life.
Sincerely, Miss Dawn
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