Monday, June 15, 2009

"He got up rebuked the wind, and said to the waves, "Quiet. Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm." (Mark 4:39).

As I meditate on this week's coming Gospel message two things happen for me... I think that my former students know this passage SOOO very well. (As they could teach it themselves, they've heard me quote it so many times!). And, that it happens to fall into contemplative alignment of where my life is heading at the moment. A storm being quieted down by Jesus himself.

Let's open this story a bit. We have the Disciples and Jesus out on the Galilee on a small fishing vessel. They are crossing one side of the lake to another.. quite a journey in a small boat. A normal day to be sure. It was probably very warm and fishing was good. Jesus sitting in the stern of the boat nods off for 40 winks. Then, as things are seemingly good and uneventful in life, a storm comes out of nowhere. Jesus is sleeping and the Disciples are scrambling around doing what sailors do when a storm kicks up suddenly. I am sure they are bringing down the mainsail, (probably just one anyway on this little boat), bailing the water that is rising to their kneecaps, protecting each other from thunder and lightening..perhaps protecting the fish, if any, that they caught..or thinking they can catch while a storm is present! All the while Jesus is sleeping on the stern cushion..I love it. The minute the sky turned black did they turn to Jesus? No. When the water was rushing in like crazy did they wake Jesus? No. No, in fact the Disciples wait until they can't fix the problem themselves do they "invite Jesus" to help them solve this one! Typical of human nature.. when our boats are sinking, we call out to Jesus in panic.

At this critical moment the questions toward Jesus begin surfacing from our needy friends and from Jesus.. (I need to laugh thinking.. "These guys are fishermen.. imagine their language and line of questioning?" ) Anyhow, like any of us, in a time of crisis we turn to God and fire away.

"Lord, wake up! Don't you care that we drown?" Well, what an interesting question. One I have asked more than once in my lifetime when things seem impossible. Don't we all. "Well of course I care you silly men.." Jesus is thinking.. not saying a word.. He arises in the boat reaches out his arms over the raging sea and says, "Be Still. Be quiet. Quit". Basically a big ol' "SHUT UP" to these thrashing waves. And it stops. "Peace, be still." As Mark tells us, it is replaced by calmness. Like when we wish Peace unto another in church, the way Jesus always did when he entered a room, no matter the conditions. However, the squall of this nature may have ended but another type is just being introduced. Jesus' reaction to the Disciples...

"Why are you so afraid?" "Do you still not trust?" Two great questions. It can be so overwhelmingly difficult in times of trial to really trust in God. Jesus asks these questions almost in disgust. Who can blame him? When I relate this story to the children.. their mouths hang open at Jesus making the wind and water cease.. why not? It's a wonderfully dramatic story. A thriller, cliff-hanger. Then when I get into character, playing the part of the worried and faithless Disciples.."Well.. Jesus where were you? We were drowning? Why and how could you have slept through that storm?" The children laugh at me! They laugh because I'm pretty good at playing that role at times.. and they also laugh because they have the faith of God. The are believers naturally. They must be. They are reliant on their "other" parents for everything in life... Protection, shelter, food, love, and comfort. They don't doubt where their next meal(s) or snacks come from. They believe it will happen. They don't worry about how to get to school tomorrow.. they never worry about being comforted when injured or distressed.. or what clothing will be available to them on that special occasion. BECAUSE... they TRUST these people called mother and father! Just like we need to trust our Father in heaven.

This week I was recently tested in a crisis. It was awful. I lost my car keys. I was moving some things and left my keys accidentally in a place where they weren't safe. I was overwhelmed by other thoughts and details.. and did something careless. I was, indeed horrified though, because I had locked in my wheels my purse..(my wallet, personal things, etc), and my cell phone. Yikes! The most horrifying moment however.. to make matters even more compelling was that sometime between last summer and now, I have searched for the spare key for that "just in case" moment. I am not a pack rat and usually know exactly where things are. I knew for a long time where that spare was and then one day in September I could not locate it.. kept thinking it will turn up when I need it. WELL.. I NEEDED IT! These new electronic keys are very expensive to replace. (Of course a warranty doesn't pay for your own stupidity). SO I went on a pilgrimage to find the lost set. I trekked to places so dangerous.. I care not repeat it here. In the midst of this journey, I began telling God as I walked and hunted.. that I wasn't thinking I could handle one more thing right now. I was truly at my wits faith tested and belief in a higher order now compromised. I was panicked and in tears. (Obviously more going on here than just the loss of the keys).. But had I cried out to God yet before this moment?..not really. I thought I could bail the water of that boat myself.. waiting and careful not to "disturb" Jesus while He slept..hmm.
The pilgrimage turned up empty. I was out of options except to go the dealership and pay out a couple of hundred bucks to replace my keys. Ugh. I thought, well maybe I'll see if AAA should come first.. a moment of desperation. The AAA man arrives and pops my car door. The alarm goes off and ceases. He then asks.. "where are your keys?" I sheepishly tell him that I haven't any. I begin to explain my story and sit down in the passenger seat..I'm out of faith virtually. I sit and put my forward on the steering tears. He's telling me he can disarm the alarm system.. and blah, blah blah.. Then the alarm quieted almost immediately as my tears flowed .."Be quiet. Be still" was Jesus' voice echoing. And for no other reason I can justify or know I looked under my driver's seat. WHY? I just cleaned and vacuumed my car a week ago.. and sitting in the mechanics of the chair on the floor... WAS THE SPARE!

I took a double take and reached in for it. I pulled it out like I had just plucked the Holy Grail out of The Temple of Doom! I smiled so hard .. beaming actually! And popped out of the seat..shouting, "I don't believe this .. I don't believe this!" The tow truck driver just looked at me as this instantaneous act of God happened, and said, "Hey lady, you keep your spare under the seat?" I said.. " There is a God!!!" And he replied, (looking at me like I was nuts and writing on his clipboard), "Shit yeah there is a God!" I laughed so hard.. into tears. This guy was not phased not one bit by any of my actions or expressions. I told him the story.. and he looked at me and said, "Those keys are expensive!"

I was amazed. Truly amazed. God found my key. Maybe not the original set (which was lighter these days anyhow having just got rid of 2 keys I no longer needed that same afternoon!) But, I had the key to get me what I needed in more ways than one. My father (not God..), then attached a brand new key to home on that keyring. Rather symbolic one might say. (I also got the disgusted grumblings of fatherly wisdom.."You're damn lucky!")

Luck. no.. Tested in faith? yes.

So our final question brings me to the Disciples last line of questioning to their teacher, "What kind of man is this that even the winds and the waves listen to him?" Prior to Friday morning I would've said, ask the AAA Roadside Assistance guy.. but I today I say, "No man at all, but God himself."

Peace be with you,
Miss Dawn

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