Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Golden Rule

Today's message addressed one of my favorite parables of all time, "The Good Samaritan". We all know the tidbits of such prose. We all know what we are "supposed to do" when presented with the circumstances presented, but the reality.. and hardcore truth is... DO WE?? In Jesus' days The Samaritans were not regarded,(well, by the ((upstanding)) Jews anyway,)... as an upstanding folk. They did not follow the rules of Hebrew law anymore,(leaving them unclean), and they quite often assisted the Romans! (A big no-no!) However in Jesus' depiction today He graces this Samaritan as a "Hero". The story begins with an injured ... quite honestly robbed and beaten to death Jew who is left upon the side of the road. He is wounded beyond belief physically, emotionally and spiritually. He watches high elders, and chief priests walk past him. No regard for his "Brokenness". Hmm??? And if not for the generosity, and honestly, Karmic action of this Samaritan he would have been left for dead. The story ends with the Samaritan treating this man's wounds by what he had... wine and oils.(Cuz sometimes all we have is exactly what is needed!) And lifting him to his animal and taken to the closest Inn for recovery. The man does not just dump this man onto the waitstaff.... he gladly stays as long as he can to help his fellow neighbor.. (et hem.. enemy), and furthermore pays it forward by offering the innkeeper the fees necessary to keep this man in a safe place! The Golden Rule is alive and well in this story! How often have we gone out of our way to prop up another? Let's further advance that concept by throwing in the word enemy? and furthermore... pay for it all!Especially when we know it will be seen as foolhardy!?? And yet the gnawing message in our gut tells otherwise? That my friend is the voice of God. That man simply traveling to work that day witnessed this atrocious act and stopped and did the RIGHT THING! (Regardless). The elders and chief priests.. well who knows? I do know, though, that it all comes around again at some point. The lessons that is! It is hard to know but easily understood why this man would or would not have taken care of this stranger.. this "enemy". But in the end, our souls crave to do the right thing.. the good thing. They crave so desperately to act on the behalf of another.. and they know that it is God and not the ego. Be a Samaritan wherever and whenever you can. Lift that person up to your animal, inn or your standards! Show them how to be leader. Jesus invites everyone one of us to do this. God Bless MD

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful share, Miss Dawn! Very thorough and insightful. You walk the walk of this and so many other Parables.....
